Gpu Problem Installation

8 Mar 2010
Afternoon all, problem is as follows.
Am trying to install 2 x gtx 285 's in sli. First gpu is detected and installed fine, the second is physically in the 3rd slot of a gigabyte ud3r mobo. The gpu in slot 3 is not detected by windows 7 64 bit but there are 2 small red lights towards the front of the gpu where it meets the case.
Does anyone think there is a problem with the gpu i am thinking that 2 red lights does not sound so good. Have connected the sli bridge still nothing 1st card ok 2nd same light display. I could try it in slot 2 i guess but wouldnt have thought that would make much of a difference plus if they were both "together" its a bit of a tight fit :(:confused: Any and all advice greatfully received :)
Sounds like the GPU is not getting enough power. Did you ensure that the PCI-E 6 and 8 pin power connectors were secured on the card?. Did you connect the 4 pin or 8 pin power cable to the motherboard?, the PCI-E slot may not be sending enough power to the card.
Good sir you have saved my bacon, i thought i had double checked every possibility - seems one of the six pin connectors to the psu wasn't in far enough, phew thank you very much!!
After this theres no way on this earth i'm going to try for tri sli, now its just a matter of disabling the sli when i'm crunching and onto system number 2
Thank you Senture!!
Okee dokee i have the offending gpus installed all nice n snug, i installed boinc the unified lunatics. Double checked the data folder from the fresh install alongside the data folder i had backed up before fresh w7 install all files are the same apart from the wu's i had in the backed up previous install, my question is why will it not show the wu's when i copy and paste them into new install data folder and start boinc if it means a fresh start not to worry just thought it was worth a try :)
Would i be better off just doing a fresh install etc and starting again?

The gpu's are sitting in slot 1 top and slot 3 bottom of a gigabyte u3dr mobo and have two monitors plugged into top gpu dvi. Msi afterburner is showing gpu 1@69 degrees which i am assuming is the one the 2 monitors are plugged into and gpu 2 @ 46 degrees, theres is an sli strap on but was advised to disable it in favour of boinc and crunching etc.

Would be interested to hear your opinions on any of my glaring ommissions am sure there are a few....i know i can take the gpu fans off auto and crank em up to lower temps but i have not got a clue when it comes to core shader and memory clocks....any help or advice greatly appreciated as per added bonus is if i get it ticking over nicely i might get some sleep tonight :D
Can't help much with the WU problems but the rest I can shed some light. You will need to disable SLI in the nvidia control panel to enable the use of both cards. You will need to have a monitor connected to each card or a dummy plug on the second card and have the desktop set to extend over both monitors.

Overclocking wise, from what I can remember from having a GTX 280 1.5 years ago, about 65% fan speed and 600 core, 1200 memory, 1500 shaders settings were stable, but this varies from card to card and different driver releases. The higher you can push the shaders, the greater the results. Core and Memory will add some on, but not as significant as the Shaders.
Thanks very much, i said to heck with it and did a fresh install of boinc etc, it was getting me a bit ticked off, ok i lost lots of work units but i'll make it back am sure. Am going to have a well earned cuppa try those suggestions of yours, blimey i haven't crunched for 12 hours - withdrawal symptoms!
Thank you once again for your help will post a reply back with results in a while if your around if not have a good night and ta much! :D:D:D
Worked a treat, the monitors dont let you expand the toolbar like you could across the screen in xp or "span". But yeah have left it to do its best went a tad under what you recommended to see how it gets on. Its downloaded some wu's so what more could i want....some cuda units please to road test me babies!
I know you only want to hear ty so many times before you feel the physical urge to puke but yer a life saver....hope i can repay the favour some day!!!

ooooohhhhhhhhh happpppppyyyyy dayssss :D:D:D
What I did with my gaming rig was to dual boot it. I found that the optimum GPU overclock for Folding was quite different to that for gaming and I use SLI for gaming but not for Folding - also the requirement for a second monitor/dummy plug for Folding under Win7. I had a spare copy of XP lying around so I installed that to a second hard drive (I'd already installed Win7 on one drive and installing XP second is a PITA) - having the hot swap drive bays on the front of the 800D is brilliant - all I do when I want to game is switch off, swap drives, boot up. That way I can have my Win7 install set up optimally for gaming and my XP install set up perfectly for Folding (no need for second monitor/dummy plug in XP). It's probably not any quicker doing it this way but it's not much slower and it's a lot less faffing about.
You do for folding under Windows 7, I can't see SETI being any different.

Nope you don't, I'm running three GPUs on Win 7 with desktop spanning only two monitors. Although I do have -forcegpu flags set, if that's the reason I don't need it spanned over all three.
Nope you don't, I'm running three GPUs on Win 7 with desktop spanning only two monitors. Although I do have -forcegpu flags set, if that's the reason I don't need it spanned over all three.

OK, I stand corrected :). I guess it is the forcegpu flag, I was using Windows 7 through the Beta and RC stages and then got the RTM from Technet back in August I believe. I had to extend the display over all 4 cards (a pair of 9800 GX2's) or every client bar the primary one threw up UNSTABLE_MACHINE errors as soon as it started.
Thanks for the input all, machine seems stable and all is running ok ish. Just a wee bit cincerned that its an i7 cpu so i have 8 processing threads - its running 8 seti wu's at a time but it hasn't downloaded any gpu units so i dont know if it is set up correctly.
Am not sure about rebranding using lunatics app but before it was running 8 wu's plus 2 gpu tasks- the gpu tasks were distinct and labelled as cuda units.
Once i am completely satisfied i will use the hot swap stan to optimize a gaming setup.
The dual taskbar i will save for the gaming setup, if its of any use i check the messages when it downloads wu's and it is only requesting cpu tasks.
Either way 13 hours sleep definately helps but have had to sacrifice my secong machine q6600 as the gtx 260 wont fit in the case so it'll have to wait for memebers market i dont feel like buying a new case and board just yet untill i know this is working as it should.
... i check the messages when it downloads wu's and it is only requesting cpu tasks...

Has it detected the GPU when the service started? check towards the top of the message log. It should write the card model, driver, CUDA version etc...
Silly question, but you have installed CUDA haven't you?
I dont think the inbuilt Win7 drivers have it, so you will need to get it from the Nvidia site

just checking :D
Hi Kolala
Yeah 2 entries at the beginning detailing both gpu's and listing them as gpu 0 and gpu 1 along with driver version cuda version and compute capacity - oh crumbs my output is dropping - Mr Halz will have my life for this!
Silly question, but you have installed CUDA haven't you?
I dont think the inbuilt Win7 drivers have it, so you will need to get it from the Nvidia site

just checking :D

:D i thought it was allready installed as when i had both monitors plugged into the one gpu it ran 2 cuda units ata time :confused:
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