GPUGrid Challenge

I wasn't planning on firing up my machines until the weather got a bit colder but I think I could make a contribution. I'll get them sorted out over the next few days :)
Started up the main rig last night and all appears well. Finished 4 long runs overnight. Will get the secondary rig set up today. Might have to start opening windows - the temperature has risen markedly overnight in the living room and will only get higher when the second rig gets running :p

Main rig is an SR-2 with 2 X5650 hex core xeons and 2 GTX690s.
Secondary rig has an i3 3220 with 2 GTX670s.

I have CPU & Beta WUs enabled so I'm hoping they release some CPU WUs. I found them to be a big boost before on the main rig (running on 20 of the 24 virtual cores).
yes :(
There is also beta cpu work units but I've yet to receive any.

Dude, I'm sorry :(
I've just had a look at the overall BOINC team positions and it looks like you would have taken 3rd spot from me in a few days. Better put the celebrations on hold for now :p
Dude, I'm sorry :(
I've just had a look at the overall BOINC team positions and it looks like you would have taken 3rd spot from me in a few days. Better put the celebrations on hold for now :p

Haha ... I would have liked to tell you that I hadn't noticed, but I had :mad: :D
Have switched over and warmed them up but shutting down now :(
Might get some intermittent action but it'll be Sunday evening before the warp engines engage :)
Joined and running now to get started :)

Nice to have you on board :)
I've had a nose at your machine (nice cpu btw) You really want to be running only the 8-12 hours work units with your 780 cards, rather than the short 2-3 hours ones as well. The longer ones will give 2-3 times more points like for like.

In case you don't know you can select what work units you want to run in your GPUGrid preferences (click the Edit GPUGRID preferences link)
Nice to have you on board :)
I've had a nose at your machine (nice cpu btw) You really want to be running only the 8-12 hours work units with your 780 cards, rather than the short 2-3 hours ones as well. The longer ones will give 2-3 times more points like for like.

In case you don't know you can select what work units you want to run in your GPUGrid preferences (click the Edit GPUGRID preferences link)

Cheers, i just noticed the short runs were taking a bit long , set to do long runs only now :)

Got the 16 threads doing pogs
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We keep exchanging position with the Aussies, with the Germans not too far behind.. very close.
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