Grand Prix Masters - Silverstone 12-13 Aug. Anyone up for a meet?

Yup thats the one! They are very nice and I don't think are bothered how many cars turn up as long as we don't wreck the field and pay him!
Well you will be welcome to come back to the site/pub on the Saturday evening.

I'll try and book the pub the week before we go if thats what people want to do. That way they might be a bit more organised, although there are a lot less people this time anyway!
TinkerBell said:
Vix i will let you know if i am a definate soon (I hope!) Just got to wait on work for a reply on my request for the time off. I will definately go if i can get the time off work.

Cheers :) Kick your work up the bum :p
mrgubby said:
I'm taking the kids down to Somerset on the Sunday so I can't do the weekend but if people are camping I'll try and pop round for a small tipple on the friday or saturday night :)

Can't do the weekend == Bad :(

Week without the Kids == Good :D

'Tipple of jelly' perhaps? ;)
I think you can buy tickets on the gate.

Glad you and Mike can make it Tink :) Haven't decided which MR2 we are taking yet, its going to be the one we need all week so I think we will decide who is looking healthiest nearer the date :D
paradigm said:
I may have to drop out of the camping :( I don't get paid until the 14th, and as a result will have approx £0.00 for that weekend.

I do have free fuel, so can quite easily get down there with my ticket for the day, and probably scrounge enough cash for food/drink for that day, but thats about it :(

Bah :( I've lived for 2 years with no money ;)

I will ring the blokey next week to make sure we are still ok for camping with such small numbers - but I reckon it will be ok. Have I got everyone down who is camping in my original list? I'm presuming a certain two people will be sharing? ;) So thats a grand total of 2 tents :/
Good seats!

Campsite want definite numbers in a weeks time - do the 'maybes' think they will have decided 2 days before the event? I can't believe its nearly just a week away!!
DreederOcUK said:
Im not at all happy with the seat tbh, im sure the folk in front of me wont be happy with my new 300mm camera lens in the back of his head. :D

Hmmm :)

Mike/Tink - what time are you guys thinking of getting there? The owners said there were some other people staying too so if you get these before us, make sure you pick a big enough spot!!!
Hope this doesn't sway your decision but jelly is off the menu due to space constrictions (we are on holiday for the week afterwards so the car will be full of my shoes).

Last call for anyone... :)
Huuuuge car!!! We're packing at the moment - I'm so excited! But I'm leaving the car packing to Phil. Its great, I'm just getting everything I want to take and piling it up in one room!!
Whichever he packs ;) I voted for his as it has a more sociable exhaust and also has a stereo. (No point in a stereo in mine, you can't hear anything over the zorst!!!)

Much as I'd like you to meet Sakura, she is staying at home :(
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