Graphic Designers - advice please!

I hope it can be learnt because at the grand old age of 34 I'm trying to learn graphic design via books etc and apply what I've consumed to web interfaces and apps. I've had 1 freelance job so far but I've only been learning a few months. I have no idea if I had any innate ability but I've improved somewhat since I started. After I'm fairly happy with my design skills I'll get cracking on HTML/CSS etc but still obviously carry on learning the design stuff because there is simply so much to learn.

With regard to Mac vs Windows, I made myself a Hackintosh so I can get the best of both worlds. I use a program called Sketch (bloody awesome) which is mac only and there are quite a few programs that are only out for mac so if you have no wish to play games on your portable device I'd get a Macbook, they are a tad pricey though.

A brilliant book for graphic design beginners is The Non-designers Design book, I've read one of the older editions but a new 4th edition is out soon so it might worth checking that out.
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I've been using Adobe Illustrator CC, it doesn't actually use a great deal of processing power (rig: E8400, 4Gb). Photoshop maybe needs more?

What you will need beyond doubt is the biggest monitor direct from Japan's top video research lab you can physically crane into your office.

On dual 24" the icons were stupidly tiny, the type preview was about 10 pixels high.

Abobe software is weird, expect to spend a lot of time watching Youtube on how to do even simple things. You might be pushing it if you are expecting to learn Photoshop at the same time.
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