Graphics card crashes after a couple minutes.

9 Aug 2017

I've been having a problem running games on a new PC build..
I'll launch a game (e.g. Starship Troopers) and will be able to play for a couple of minutes; then the game will crash. The system will either return to desktop, or restart.

As starship troopers is running Unreal Engine, the error thrown from there is a "Device was removed" error.
In windows event viewer, there are one of two errors that are logged at the time of each crash.

NVIDIA OpenGL Driver:
DrvSetContext failed functionality indeterminant
(pid=14656 cncmd.exe 64bit)


NVIDIA OpenGL Driver:
Ran out of memory

I initially thought it could be a heat issue, with the card shutting itself off, but the GFX card doesn't get above 40c.

Rolled the dice on a B Grade graphics card; but perhaps this is the problem?

Any suggestions of things to try would be appreciated. I have time today to test anything suggested.

edit: Also tried turning the games graphics way down, but still experiencing the same problem.
After the game freezes, it will hang for a good minute, then all the colour will dissapear from the image, leaving it looking like so:

This will remain on screen for another 10-20 seconds, then the PC will either crash to desktop, or restart.
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Did you totally uninstall your old drivers before reinstalling the new ones ?

Unreal engine updated ?

System spec please ?

It was a brand new Windows install.. so never had any drivers on it bar the default ones Windows uses. Regardless, I hit clean install when installing the NVIDIA drivers.

System spec in the signature.
It's not the 4090 its open GL requesting more ram than what's availablesort of a glitch it then request the data from system memory if not enough then reports and error shuting down the game.

That's my understanding of it but maybe not the best explanation.
This sums it up really. Certainly lines up with the errors being thrown. No idea what to do about it though.

When the game crashes, you can still hear people chatting away over their mics. So it's not a total system hang straight away. Very strange
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Page file currently managed by windows.. with 5gb in use.

Turned off pcie power management, restarted, and gave the game a test, but same problem.
Crashes seem to occur very frequently now. No longer getting the 2-3 minutes of gameplay anymore, just straight to crashing as soon as I try join the game server.
Hmmm, something else weird going on with bios.
Making changes, pressing F10 or the save and exit button, the system hangs. No bios changes are applied.
Trying to flash the bios also hangs on a white screen. No changes are applied. System needs hard reboot.

What a nightmare this build has been!

Edit: also, reducing resolution amd gfx settings let's the game run no problem
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Did this solution work out in the end? Im experiencing the same thing and im loosing my mind. Been troubleshooting for a week now
Nope. It worked for about a week, then started crashing again.
It's incredibly weird this crashing. It seems to go for days with great stability, countless hours of gaming, and no crashes, then it will start crashing out of the blue, for maybe 4 hours, then back to stable.
I've literally tried all sorts, and on other forums, people seem to have replaced pretty much ALL the hardware in their machines with no success.

The only thing nobody mentioned replacing was the power supply. So I have a new one coming today. Will update with test results.

Feeling confident it's a power supply issue.
Using tools in furmark, I can see the gpu is requesting over 100% power, maybe 103%-105%, which I reckon is causing problems as the corsair 850x is the bare minimum the 4090 can be paired with, and might be struggling with power spikes, which could be causing the cpu to choke, ultimately leading to the system crashing.
So upgrading to 1300w to be on the safe side
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Yeah, I'm thinking the gpu errors are a smoke screen for the actual problem. Gpu errors might just be the side effect of power problems.
Either way, will let you know.
Okay thanks, im really looking forward to that. Another weird thing i noticed was after day 2 with the new pc, i turned the computer off and it went into "updating dont turn off the computer" , but it stuck on that screen and i went on to turn the computer off by the switch. Reading the logs there isnt a single error prior to that and it started behaving weird after that. Thats why i hoped reinstalling windows and all drivers would be the solution. But im reaching for straws now.

Power supply wasn't the problem. Certainly didn't fix it either. I pulled all the components out of the case, and it's all hooked up but laying on the floor. It seems a bit more stable like this, but there are still crashes. So I donno, the graphics card is just f'ked I think. was f'ked for someone else, returned, overclockers sold it on as B-Grade, and it's f'ked for me.
I suppose the lesson is don't be cheap. Buy cheap, pay dear.
Okay thanks for getting back. I managed to solve the openGL error yesterday by uninstalling amd adrenalin and doing a fresh install with "only driver" option. Crashes still happen, and judging by the log they always happen simultaneously with "Asusuppdatecheck" . Im also leaning more to hardware issue now anyways, still gonna try a fresh windows install tonight and see what happens. Otherwise im sending the pc back for troubleshooting at the manufacturer.

I did however check the update it started misbehaving after and it turned out to be a windows defender upgrade, could it be so that windows antivirus is thinking something in the graphics drivers is malware and stopping it? Maybe im going crazy but im thinking about how you said your system was stable a few good days after reinstall , same with me: my system was stable until the update.
Yeah its the weirdest thing. So flaky. Just now, when I launch furmark, it will crash within seconds of launching. Earlier this morning, it was launching furmark, and completing tests no problem.
I'm stumped. Raised a returns request with overclockers. Hopefully they will honour it
One thing maybe worth trying, does your gpu have a small button on it for switching vbios on the card. Green light to red mean performance mode. Furmark is no longer crashing.
Clutching these straws real tight here
Yeah I'm out of ideas other than send bits back for replacements.
Though my machine did behave for a few hours last night, which was nice
It's so weird.. last night the PC was running great! no crashes, managed to play Star Citizen for a good 4 hours! incredible!
This morning, turning the PC on, back to crashing every couple of minutes.
I've been in touch with Overclockers about this, but they don't seem to be interested anymore.

Here's some monitoring at the exact point the PC crashes...

Ultimately resulting in a weird BSOD
Have you tried going back to old nvidia drivers? I was reading on nvidias forums earlier today and there was some heavy criticism at the latest ones
I had tried this a couple weeks ago.. tried 2 revisions below current. Was still doing it. Maybe didn't go back far enough
One thing I overlooked was the nvme m.2 drive.. had never checked that was installed correctly. Is hidden under a heatsink. Pc has been running fine for the last 5 hours. See how it pans out. It usually goes back to crashing when I turn it on in the morning.
Well, I bought a new motherboard and cpu.. borrowed some ram, used a different hard drive.. ssd this time over nvme, windows 10 instead of 11, and it's still crashing.
The only constant here is the graphics card.

Overclockers are going to refund the card.
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