Graphics Card Problem

3 Oct 2004
Got a litte problem with my computer. Was working fine until my girlfriend wanted to play the sims. it loaded up and gave a graphical error and then my screen came up with a fault regarding no signal? Rebooted and was fine, until a minute ago when browsing.. screen went funny and lost signal again. Found this very odd, stripped apart side of case and checked fans etc and found my fan on graphics card isnt working? Any ideas if the fan has stopped and cooked my card? It is an 6600GT AGP. Also when first loading I get aload of wierd characters on my screen. Cheers
does sound like it may have over heated. its probbaly shutting down when it gets to hot. the artifacts at the start may be a sign of permanet damage. can you change the fan to find out ?
Fitted a bigger fan and it lasted a bit further.. happend when tying this. just freezes my screen then goes off and sometiems comes back on. I get really bad artifacting before it goes off.. However whats wierd is my mouse pointer still works when the rest of the screen freezes
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