I am using the Asus P5K3 deluxe mobo, currently have 6gig DDR3 1333Mhz ram, Quad core q6600 running windows 7 HP 64bit, PSU is Corsair 620WATT, current graphics cards are GeForce 8800 Ultra (dual monitors) and a GeForce 8400 GS (used for 3rd monitor), both pci express cards.
I have been having a couple of problems with regards system freezes since I’ve added a third monitor/second video card, I have discovered that the psu is simply not big enough, therefore I’m planning an upgrade.
I have not purchased a graphics card in a couple of years and have limited knowledge of what’s about these days. I'm not to clued up on sli or X fire so any advice on this would be cool.
I want to keeps my current mobo but upgrade my CPU to the fastest my board can take (most likely a q9650 3ghz), replace the psu with at least 1000watt and obviously replace my aging graphics cards. I'm fairly happy that the ram I have installed is man enough as this was only replaced earlier this year.
All I want advice on is that if I were to replace the NVidia 8800 ultra with a more up to date NVidia card would I be able to still use the old 8800 ultra as the secondary card for my 3rd monitor and throw away the old 8400GS?
I have a budget of around £350 for a new card so any recommendations for a replacement NVidia card would be much appreciated.
PS I will be selling most of the kit I replace on eBay so if anyone is interested, let me know.

I have been having a couple of problems with regards system freezes since I’ve added a third monitor/second video card, I have discovered that the psu is simply not big enough, therefore I’m planning an upgrade.
I have not purchased a graphics card in a couple of years and have limited knowledge of what’s about these days. I'm not to clued up on sli or X fire so any advice on this would be cool.
I want to keeps my current mobo but upgrade my CPU to the fastest my board can take (most likely a q9650 3ghz), replace the psu with at least 1000watt and obviously replace my aging graphics cards. I'm fairly happy that the ram I have installed is man enough as this was only replaced earlier this year.
All I want advice on is that if I were to replace the NVidia 8800 ultra with a more up to date NVidia card would I be able to still use the old 8800 ultra as the secondary card for my 3rd monitor and throw away the old 8400GS?
I have a budget of around £350 for a new card so any recommendations for a replacement NVidia card would be much appreciated.
PS I will be selling most of the kit I replace on eBay so if anyone is interested, let me know.