Graphics/sound card problems

1 Jul 2009
My first problem is with my GTX 560ti, every 2 hours or so the screen will go off and on for some unknown reason. It hasn't happened with my old card but does now.

Another problem is when I put in a new soundcard, the Asus Xonar DG 5.1, whenever I close down Fifa 12 there is a horrible stuttering sound like a stuck record and only goes away when I restart the PC. I have new drivers for both.
what psu are you running, and whats the rest of your system setup.

are all the power connectors in the gfx card, and have you tried old drivers.

have you tried the sound card in a different slot ?
what psu are you running, and whats the rest of your system setup.

are all the power connectors in the gfx card, and have you tried old drivers.

have you tried the sound card in a different slot ?

Corsair 750W the rest is an i5 750 system I've had for 2 years. It's been fine but these problems just started a few weeks ago when I changed these components. I will try some different drivers later.

I think the sound card bug is just in Fifa 12 it doesn't seem to happen with any other game. The graphics bug just happened again and I have no idea what is causing it the temp is only 30 degrees.
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