GRAW2 SP how short :(

27 Mar 2003
I am gutted. I have been waiting for Graw 2 for months and when it finally arrives I have completed the single player campaign in a matter of 3 sessions on elevated risk.

Although I enjoyed this a lot more than the first one I loved the little tweaks they put in on the cross com I feel that they may have let this side of the game down and put more development into the MP side of things which should be awesome. Never played the MP on the first one. So am in for a treat.

I think I will try elevated risk again and see if I can complete it with no retries as I did find myself running into stupid situations without assessing the battlefield first.

I'm guessing I will have to complete the quick missions and see if I can get all the secondary objectives as well as I only managed 6.

I just feel that this may be just a stop gap for a third in the series which I hope will be awesome and finish the story off.

So just wondering what others thought of this sequal?
Not completed it yet but it does seem to be pretty short, but its good fun so no doubt ill be completing it again on hard.
It's understandable considering they pushed the game out in 12 months. But yes it's a big letdown and certainly for me as I like a good bit of involvement in SP before I stick my toe in MP i.e. I haven't even tried GOW MP yet lol.
davetherave2 said:
So just wondering what others thought of this sequal?

Basically rubbish

dannyjo22 said:
I'm impressed with the looks but the story is nowhere near as good as the first. I'm not even listening to the cutscenes. Way way too easy compared to even normal on the first one. I've only had trouble on one section, other than that I'm not really even getting hit.

I would not recommend this to anyone who doesnt want to play lots of MP.

dannyjo22 said:
Oh dear the difficulty level of this game is beyond poo. Even in the levels in towns there's barely enough enemies to trouble a novice. In the last one you had to carefully make your way though towns. You popped your head round a corner with a markman anywhere near and he killed you.

In this you can run into clearings, have a ciggie and a beer casually get the sniper out or even a small arms gun and kill the marksmen before he even responds.

Some of the old levels took ages to get from one end of the town to the other. Chapultek took me about 20 reloads on normal. The helicopter bits where hard in the last one. I've done two or three bits of hele in this one and havent even had a bullet get near me.

Even on the hardest level this is the easiest game I've played on the 360.

Levels like protecting the diplomat on the first one was quite difficult. All about setting up your defensive position correctly. In this i've taken on all they throw at me from behind a pallet.

dannyjo22 said:
Act 2 is pretty good, about the right length. Last section of the act is great. There should though be 5-8 acts of this length in a £40 game imho.

Gears was short but this game is shorter.

I also stopped using the heavy artillery back up, purely because it's too easy if you use it. This game does not deserve the 9.1 ign gave it. 6-7 tops.

It looks nice enough, the story is dull an uninteresting. If GRAW you was more an escort for the heavy artillery. How it should be, picking off the men and tanks to allow the convoys to proceed. In this you can leave your men at the start at use one tank to walk through the level. I've played the whole of act 2 without dieing.

They have included a medic who up's the amount of patch ups to 5 from 2. You dont need him. The team AI rarely die either. You can stick them behind the masses of cover and just have a grenadier and anti tank man and a rifle man and just keep pointing for them.

I adored GRAW. The SP game was tough. They have added nice new touches with the hold in of the RB to look down from the drone or to view from say the tank perspective. This though should not have been a full £40 game. £29.99 or even £24.99 for what is a half game and new multi player.

I cant recommend MP graw highly enough, but the same token I cant recommend you stay away enough if you buy this for SP because of the first one.
I like it. Long, tough games aren't necessarily better.

I like to get through a game without having a drawn out experience, then I can get on with playing something else.
It could have done with another few hours of play time. Do i smell downloadable content??

The one thing i did like was the helicopter bits did not = random death by headshot before you even got 1 round off lol That is probably my most favorite thing in the game.

Though the last GRAW i found probably more difficult on standard than i found this on hard :( You could get away with just running in Gung ho.
Do i smell downloadable content??
Thats all I can put it down to, which is disappointing. I bought the last addon for GRAW, and would almost certainly buy ones for GRAW2 but I just wish there was more to the single player.

What I have thought, is that Ill probably go back and finish the first one on hard so I have more single player to look forward to. Purposely did GRAW on easy the first time in the hope of forgetting about it then being able to compelte it on hard.
I thought GRAW2 was pretty short as well..Then again, it crashes for me during the tutorial mission !!! :eek: :mad:
i think its a really good game, a lot easyier then the first and not in the same league as vegas but still a good solid game.
wedgie22 said:
I think I might wait to get this second hand. Don't fancy paying £40 for a 5 hour game.

Buy it for around £30 on the net and come join the MP fun.

The enemy AI in MP will actually flank you if they spot you, in SP they just sit there waiting to be shot. The worst AI of any of these games i've ever played on the 360. Its like they didnt even try.

GRAW 1 the level at the station took me an age. Smokes etc to try to blow the tower then pick of the guards. Or the water tower where the sniper is waiting for you to come out the building.

Nothing remotely that hard in Graw2.

Its a walkthrough. I didn't use a single grenade or smoke. The training level where you throw smokes and then detonate the tank/apc was the hardest bit of the game. Demo pack? didnt use one of those either apart from training.
If people are looking for this game cheap you can get it for 15 pounds new when you trade in a top 10 game (from their own chart) at a certain video rental place.

I got Gears Of War in this deal for trading in Smackdown.
I will have to give the MP side of things ago but like most sequels the game finished too abruptly. Just like Halo 2 and GOW which spring to mind the action is just starting to get good and tense and then its all over.

I was just disappointed that after such a great concept of a game this is just a filler until the third installment. Which I guess will feature more US insurgency rather than Mexico.

I think the next installment should bring in some different landscapes such as Jungle fighting. This I think would give it more of an edge especially with the sound effects that they could give.

I am just so dissapointed with Ubisoft on this one and thought like Bungie they would take a lot of time and care into this flagship product. Seems like they have rushed it market and if they had spent a little more time developing the story line I would have been happier.

This game had a bit of a split personality in areas some sections of the game were fairly taxing and then others a walk in the park. I spent a lot of my time just using my team mates to kill things just to use the cross com features more.

If a third installment is to be had I also hope they try and inlude more group tactics for the AI as they were fairly poor. No end of times I would see a group enemies and just pop them off one at a time without them doing anything.

Oh well guess this means I have more time now to complete some of those other games that I have such as GOW (on insane), Dead Rising haven't really played too muh of that since getting it. Lost Planet on hard plus a host of other games.

Also anyone know how I unlock the quickplay missions as I have a couple of them still locked. I'm guessing I probably have to complete some of the secondary objectives.
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