Graze Boxes, do you get them?

It's just means i end up eating more food and get fat. lol

The whole point of these boxes is you spread your food throughout the day, little bites and not big meals. Problem is that at lunch time I do want a meal, even if it is a salad so I am wasting both money and getting fat at the same time!
The wife got a box a few weeks back i had never heard of em. She let me taste some and great flavour she had some savoury mix stuff. I've now ordered 1st and 5th box free atm shall come in handy with my pack lunch for work
My sister gets them. I thought they were expensive at first but it's actually not bad for £3.89 - you get 4 individual packs of snacks. It's the convenience of being able to select what you want online, having it delivered and they come in small packs rather than the big/normal sized packs from the shops, which is good because then you'll snack in moderation.

It's just means i end up eating more food and get fat. lol

The whole point of these boxes is you spread your food throughout the day, little bites and not big meals. Problem is that at lunch time I do want a meal, even if it is a salad so I am wasting both money and getting fat at the same time!
These are 'healthy snacks' and NOT meal replacements though.
£3.89 for some dried fruit and nuts? You could buy big bags of the stuff yourself and just take it to work in a plastic tub and save a fortune.
Used them for a while ages ago as they kept sending me offers, stopped using them when they didn't turn up a few days, they were always very apologetic and would send a repalcment another day but that didn't help when I was hungry.

They are alright for a change but at full price they are a bit too expensive.
I tried them but they're just too expensive for what you get. Great snacks though, really great. If money was no object I'd get them again.
Really expensive.
But so are nuts at supermarkets.
Going to make my own, that way I can roast them with what ever flavours I want and mix together. Just need a vacuume packer or something to store it.

They are convenient though, so depends if convince is worth the extortionate cost.
My sister gets them. I thought they were expensive at first but it's actually not bad for £3.89 - you get 4 individual packs of snacks. It's the convenience of being able to select what you want online, having it delivered and they come in small packs rather than the big/normal sized packs from the shops, which is good because then you'll snack in moderation.

These are 'healthy snacks' and NOT meal replacements though.

The point of graze as in grazing is they use low GI foods and you graze throughout the day so you are not hungry.

Snacking on top of your meals, no matter how healthy, will still mean additional calories intake. So I end up eating breakfast and lunch and the box, which can be easily 400/500 calories, even if its heathy.

I also end up feel like i am "forced" to eat it since it has arrived. I can easily go from 1pm to 8pm without snacking so not having the box removes the temptation.

Cheaper to go to the supermarket get a portion of cut fruits for £2, then a packet of wasabi peas for £1.

For me, it's not even the money, if it replaces my lunch then it's not enough, if its for snacking then I try not to, so I guess it's not for me. It doesn't mean it isn't for other people but I rather cut out snacking in my diet. At most is I grab a handful of cereal around 4pm.
I've had them a few times, mostly when offers come along, e.g. groupon, o2 moments, etc. I only get graze boxes rarely though, the element of surprise will probably wear off if I were to order them all the time.

I like the serendipity element of it - just select what you know you don't like, and then receive little random yummy surprises. :)
We all see it differently but I see it as a box of snacks and not to replace my meals. I snack a lot, but I don't have any problems with over eating or over snacking on top of my main meals.

My sister gets 1 box a week. Everytime she opens an individual pack at home she will always offers me half. Even then a box will last her/us a week, sometimes two weeks. I see it as a treat and not something I eat to fill me up.

How can you feel like you're "forced" to eat it!! Willpower Ray, willpower!!
First box free if anyone wants one - use this code QNTKPCY


I like them - kids enjoy getting a little "treat" through the door on a saturday! Flapjack or raisins etc - they love it.
Their flapjack is the best I've ever tasted.

I get them from time to time as they tend to give you x amount of boxes for half price every now and again. They make good snacks for those that simply don't have the time in the mornings to make a good lunch. Our canteen food is garbage and my office is 15mins away from the nearest town so graze stuffs is useful.

Sadly it is too easy/tempting to opt for the good/sweet/sugary noms :)
Much like everyone else I had them for a while and then stopped, but for me it was always more of a "didn't go back to work until I'd devoured the entire contents box" than a Graze box.
I stopped a while ago now. While the stuff that came through was nice, it got very samey after a while as the selection available wasn't massive.
I used to, aren't they supposed to replace what you have for lunch? I didn't find them at all satisfying and ended up buying lunch anyway. The service isn't very green either with all of the packaging so I eventually stopped the service after a couple of weeks.
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