Great Films... u have never seen

31 May 2005
I was just thinking the other day that I must get a round to watching Four Weddings & a Funeral, then it occured to me that I haven't sen Thelma & Louise either.

Is there anyone else in here that has not seen those films? What films have passed you by?

I've known about the Godfather Trilogy for years and never got round to see it until a few weeks ago, i was so angry at myself for not making an effort to see it sooner after watching it. By far the best series of films ever in my opinion.
Trill said:
I've known about the Godfather Trilogy for years and never got round to see it until a few weeks ago, i was so angry at myself for not making an effort to see it sooner after watching it. By far the best series of films ever in my opinion.

I still haven't got round to watching them :o
The Godfather, for some reason I just dont want to watch it, it looks boring/too long! (Contrary to what everyone says!)
I've never watched the Godfather either although I have read the book, nor Goodfellas, again same situation. Haven't watched The Deer Hunter, The 'Dollars' Trilogy, Heat, Casino, Patton, Last Of The Mohicans etc etc and those are only the ones off the top of my head. I've got a huge list of films that I should watch (and most I already own on DVD) but for some reason I just never get round to it but maybe this summer... :)
If by 'great' you mean ajudged to be great by others, most of the ones I haven't seen are because I disagree with the majority, or just think I wouldn't like it. If there is a great film I haven't seen it's usually because I don't know about it

I refuse to watch westerns (with the notable exception of the 3 Amigos :D ), so haven't seen The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly or any others despite many being highly rated
The Godfather - all of them
Lord of the rings - all of them
The Mission
The Piano
Citizen Kane
Its a wondeful life
Battlefield Earth (ok maybe not that one..)
helmet said:
How can i class a film as great or anything really if i've not seen it.. :confused:

I think the aim is to say what films have been hailed as great by your contemporaries or film critics that you haven't seen. I don't know that the films I haven't watched are great but a lot of people seem to think they are so I'll go along with their views until I watch them. :)
The Godfather Trilogy
A Clockwork Orange
Requiem for a Dream

I've got the Godfather trilogy and a Clockwork Orange, I just can't get excited about watching them.
Thanks to being subscribed to LoveFilm/ScreenSelect for well over a year (and a "substantial" DVD collection)...haven't missed many!

The only film that springs to mind is Mean Streets. Still not sure how that has evaded me to this day, since i own all the other Scorcese/DeNiro combinations from their golden era's on DVD with Taxi Driver being one of my favourite films of all time! :eek:

I'm also continually shocked at just how many of my mates have yet to see Top Gun. They say its because they've been told its "really gay".

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