Great Films... u have never seen

Tru said:

I think I've watched a lot of films but every time I look at that list I'm stunned by how many I've missed. Some though I just disagree with like Hot Fuzz, no way is that a top #250 film or a Clockword Orange doesn't deserve to be so high but then this is me vs tens of thousands so who is more likely to be wrong? :)
I only watched Hot Fuzz the other week and was shocked when I saw it up there. Good film, but not that good.

I just noticed that Shaun of the Dead is at 249, maybe it's because films that pay homage to other films get film buffs juices flowing and hence an artificially high score.
Going through the IMDB list, the first couple I came across that I haven't seen are Momento and The Third Man. I haven't seen Thelma and Louise either.

As to the list itself, it's really confusing as to what some people consider great films. How the hell can 2001: A Space Odyssey be number 75 :confused: And Unforgiven and Ben Hur don't make the top 100 :eek:

And for the life of me I can never understand why the first two Godfather films are so highly rated. Violent and engaging, yes; cinematic master pieces, I don't think so.
dagwoood said:
And for the life of me I can never understand why the first two Godfather films are so highly rated. Violent and engaging, yes; cinematic master pieces, I don't think so.

I would say they are some of the most cinematic films put to celluloid. Cinematography is fantastic in them. :)
only ever watched 10 mins of Godfather, got bored and turned over. i think i've prety much seen all the films i wanna see.

Jihad said:
You simply must see that film, it's so funny in some parts.

It's spot-on! :D


Goodfellas is good but saying it's funny isn't really the best way of selling it :p

I haven't seen The Usual Suspects :o
manoz said:
Goodfellas is good but saying it's funny isn't really the best way of selling it :p

Don't worry I know that it isn't a comedy or anything like that. :p I've read the book it was based on (Wiseguy - Nicholas Pileggi) which I suppose is part of the reason I'm in no huge rush to see it in case it spoils the image I have in my head. :)
semi-pro waster said:
Don't worry I know that it isn't a comedy or anything like that. :p I've read the book it was based on (Wiseguy - Nicholas Pileggi) which I suppose is part of the reason I'm in no huge rush to see it in case it spoils the image I have in my head. :)

I haven't read the book so can't judge the screenplay from that POV. There's other things to appreciate too like the direction and acting, outstanding really.
Never seen any of the supposedly great Harry Potter films, nor Lord of The Rings.

Only watched the Godfather trilogy for the first time about a month ago! :o
Blokey57 said:
I would say they are some of the most cinematic films put to celluloid. Cinematography is fantastic in them. :)

Think we'll have to agree to disagree on that one :)

If you want to see cinematography at its best, then Citizen Kane is the film to watch.
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