***** Great Gilly Charity Posts Giveaway! *****

Well, what's the final tally then Gilly?

It's weird, the payment from Cosimo hasn't shown on my account on Paypal but the balance has gone up the right amount (that Paypal is only used for collections so that's not an issue).

There's another £136 to go on from there from two late entries this evening plus another £25 in the bank account, so the total collection fund stands at:


Put me down for a fiver if it's not too late?

I'm sure no-one will mind adding you on :)
It's weird, the payment from Cosimo hasn't shown on my account on Paypal but the balance has gone up the right amount (that Paypal is only used for collections so that's not an issue).

There's another £136 to go on from there from two late entries this evening plus another £25 in the bank account, so the total collection fund stands at:


Fantastic. :)
This place is absolutely and completely unbelievable. I'm 100% blown away.

And now I'm gonna have to do it again next year aren't I? :( Just to repay everyone for this year's donations!
Thats ok - we'll put a time limit you have to complete it by next year to keep it interesting ;) (or insist you have to take 3 steps at a time)
What was your time Gilly?

8:55 :(

Sounds like an excuse (as I feel like I could take at least a minute off that now) but everyone on our run struggled to breathe. I was at the start of our wave (there was one wave an hour starting at 9am) and by floor 12 I was in oxygen debt and by floor 30 I was seeing stars and dizzy through oxygen starvation.

It didn't help that there wasn't even any air at the top and, being a fire exit, there was nothing at all on the way up either. All the doors were solid fire doors and closed.

We even had to wait 10 mins to be allowed to go back down!

There's been some complaints made about the air, the fact there was nothing circulating.
That doesn't sound good at all. :(

They need to do something to get more air in there. Did anyone faint/collapse because of it?
Not that I heard, though three people in my wave (all had trained for it!) threw up at the top.
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