Great invention ?

17 Jun 2012
A tinfoil hat would be much cheaper. It's what they're claiming the product is - a jazzed up tinfoil hat. Only they're doing it wrong as they're claiming that the tinfoil blocks radio. They should have referenced Faraday to make their tinfoil hat sound more scientific so they could charge more for it.

Did you not read my answer, they don't claim it stops EMF waves but builds the bodies defences.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Did you not read my answer, they don't claim it stops EMF waves but builds the bodies defences. [..]

You didn't read the post I was replying to, obviously.

I'll help you out by quoting some of the "features" of the product described in the post I was replying to:

  • 100% Organic cotton twill Cap
  • Genuine leather Blushield Logo
  • Fully adjustable with metal catch
  • 1 layer of silver linen (high grade RF blocking fabric)
  • Comfortable to wear with adjustable strap
  • Suitable for Children or adults
  • Wide brim to keep out the sun
  • Available in 3 colors
  • Block some of the RF

It doesn't matter what magic effects are claimed for which product so they can mark it up 10,000% and sell it as snake oil. But if you're going to go down the "did you not read" route, it does matter whether or not you know which magical item you're referring to before doing so.
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