Huge thanks once again for the reply dpp, unfortunately I've given up on that board and have resorted back to using the old one;
Probably worth noting that this is a
completely seperate problem and in no way relates to what I've said above ^
The old board's in, and it boots up fine. In fact, it gets to the Windows login screen really quickly, you hit enter to login, and then it just hangs. It doesn't load, but it doesn't do anything until you press ctrl, alt and del, and then it loads up the desktop very quickly too.
No problems with that, until you try to access something (even My Computer for example) that tries to see the CD drive and then that window just completely stops responding, the computer carries on just fine though, so if you wanted to load up My Documents for example it does it without a problem, whilst My Computer is struggling along in the background.
I've tried running an IDE check in the BIOS too; it comes up saying it's found the hard drive which 'passes' the test, but it can't find anything else, just takes ages and then says "No IDE device found" for the other three slots/ports or whatever they're called.
Any suggestions would be very welcome, and I'm really sorry for keep dragging this thread back up, but I really, really want to get this sorted