Greenlizard0 PL & Championship Football Thread ** spoilers ** [1st - 3rd October 2022]

It is actually not funny but very depressing. The Premier League has become a one man show.

Liverpool are finished and no one else is going to get close.

We had our dominance in the 90's and 00's but someone was always pushing us. We always got the job done no matter. Similar to Liverpool of recent.

What I am seeing with City is just different Gravy. They got rid of Sterling and Zinchenko this summer but are just like a machine steam rolling everything.
But they don’t steam roller everyone do they? They couldn’t beat Newcastle or Villa.
Says every single Premiership team before they play Man City, home or away.

Totally depressing, football wise.

It truly is depressing. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the mental toll of trying to chase City the last 2 years has effected our players and finally broken them
And yet they probably wont win the CL again this season

When are people going to realise the Champions League is just spawny game of luck?

City will eventually get that luck and win it. They have been in the last 4 what the past 4 years already?

City have won 5 out of the last 6 league titles when they will get this one.

This is only the beginning. They have the best academy in the world and in another 5-10 years you will have the fruits of that labour as well.

Good game oil.
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It truly is depressing. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the mental toll of trying to chase City the last 2 years has effected our players and finally broken them
That sounds really pathetic. It’s football not a war. If they’re so delicate that they get mentally broken by football then their problems run deeper than football
I’m sorry but Utd fans are acting like nursery kids on here. Screaming, spitting dummies out and shouting it’s not fair!

Your own club is the problem not City.

Just wait until the premier League becomes a 1 team show. It will be a waste of time to tune in and watch.

No wonder the Liverpool players are burnt out. How do they keep up with $$$$ of City.
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