Greenlizard0 PL & Championship Football Thread ** spoilers ** [23rd - 28th April 2022]

Tavres can't defend, struggles to ever get goal side of the attacker and loves shooting from long range which always just puts the ball up into orbit, I think in a few years he might be good but not at the moment, loosing our 2 1st choice fullbacks has hurt us massively.
Tavres can't defend, struggles to ever get goal side of the attacker and loves shooting from long range which always just puts the ball up into orbit, I think in a few years he might be good but not at the moment, loosing our 2 1st choice fullbacks has hurt us massively.

we should have played saka LB and play pepe RW

Saka can play in defence
The ref on BT sport said that if someone is falling and ball is under them it can't be deemed as deliberate if they put their arms down to cushion the fall.
I'm sorry I didn't realise you were his online guardian.

I dont think there is anything wrong with expecting to see the most expensive player on the pitch step up in a game is there?
He's got 3 or 4 players around him with no support you don't rate him never have the world and its uncle no that and I'm not his gaurdian I just stated there's worse performances on the pitch than hi. From united player but hey ho carry on moaning I'll do as others have done and put you on ignore
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