I think people are conflating presenter/pundit/commentator. I haven't seen any one be negative about female presenters (abdo,cates,logan,hunter etc), outside of the normal flack presenters get. If I was to hazard a guess why I would say it's because their personality is able to come through better than most male ones. Regarding female commentators, boils down to personal preference for me, I just prefer listening to a bloke describe what's going on (the 'excitement' sounds more forced with female commentators as an example imo). For pundits, 99% of them are crap, both sexes, but if you dare say the likes of Eni Aluko is garbage then certain folks will trot out the old 'youre an ist' etc. Take sky's the overlap, Jill Scott adds nothing and sticks out like a sore thumb, everyone knows why she's been added, but as per Aluko, say why and out come the white knights.