Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [16 - 17th March 2013]

Laughs at Platts comments (completely ignoring the wrongly disallowed goal in the first half for Everton)

Talk about predictable

I would love Southampton to get a vital 3 points today, but unfortunately Liverpool will wake up at some point
WTF Is our defense doing they may aswell not even bloody be there were getting skinned completely, Allen in midfield says it all he doesn't mop up he passes backwards/Sideways and general more of a negative effect
Wasn't Allen supposed to get an op and out for months?

It is like reverse mind games, making Southampton think they are gonna lose since he is out, then put him in and give them belief to stomp us.
LOL oh dear City losing to Everton, not a good result for them or for Arsenal as it means Everton are now ahead of us. As for City?? cant see them winning the title over for them.

Hopefully Liverpool and Spurs will lose and we will get a result from Swansea although in reality i cant see it tbh.

But definitely shaping up to be one hell of a race for 4th spot now.
We can't keep the ball with two men in midfield. We might go on and win playing this way but it's tactically naive and a mistake that's happening more rather than less.
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