Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [28th April - 2nd May 2012]

The pitch is getting churned up, do they not have any undersoil heaters to dry the pitch? Or has it just rained too much? Chelsea seem to have taken the pressure off abit since the 4th went in which is disappointing, I wanted to see a cricket scoreline!
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One of the reasons that football supporters annoy me is that they always support their players, regardless of how wrong their actions were. This weekend has two perfect examples of this: Stoke fans boo'ing Ramsey when Ramsey was the victim of a horrific tackle and Chelsea fans boo'ing Ferdinand when it wasn't him that made the complaint about Terry's language.. Sadly these muppets are becoming the majority at most grounds..

Pitch looking terrible which is helping QPR as Chelsea can't build up decent passing moves due to the ball not reacting in a normal way..
I could say something about the Chelsea fans booing Ferdinand, Liverpool fans booing Evra and Stoke fans booing Ramsey all being idiots..... but I wont :D

Its not all the fans :rolleyes: ,all clubs have scum supporters, if you went to games you would know this.
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