Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [3rd - 5th December 2019]

Using amazon app on sony android tv. Motion not great but setting the MontionFlow to Smooth has actually made it look like a real game of football.

Next best = Custom MotionFlow with Film Mode set to High (bizarrely!)

Maybe worth a try @Rotty ?
Maybe stuttering isn't best description, it's just s not smooth motion

Through the Amazon video app on my android TV I get the same shuttering/ball flickering as yourself.

Just tried the Amazon video app via my PS4 on the same TV and it's a perfect image, same as UHD Sky.
Using amazon app on sony android tv. Motion not great but setting the MontionFlow to Smooth has actually made it look like a real game of football.

Next best = Custom MotionFlow with Film Mode set to High (bizarrely!)

Maybe worth a try @Rotty ?

Cheers, i will try and find the setting
The Burnley game looks washed out on my Panasonic 4k tv through the prime video app. The Palace game actually looks better and it's not even 4k from what I can tell.
It looks fine on sky, xbox, netflix and when streaming from my PC. Amazon the only one that does HDR?

No, but HDR can look washed out if not set up properly. It's why 1080 looks okay.

Changing the picture presets can help.
The stream via firefox on pc was a blurry mess, on my phone was fine and via chrome on pc its fine.
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