GRID 2 - Fastest Lap Competition (lots of prizes) **Sponsored by Codemasters**

yea, Its pretty much what I do, but 2nd is actually good to 86 but I'll shift at 84, so I'll give yours a go, As for first If you happen to not bottom out its perfect to keep it in 5th, but I felt I bottomed out so I changed. But none the less very good info and everyone should head it.

To keep getting faster you will need to be running manual just so everyone knows, the odds of getting that perfect gearing when auto is really slim I'd say.

Just edited my post before. If your not getting 140 on the exit of 1st corner you wont be in with a chance. Need to be getting 160+ into the corner.
Only corner you need to be breaking for is the 2nd. For the others, shifting down usually sorts it out.
You NEED to be in manual. Auto just won't cut it.
I'm gonna try a lap without breaking later. Its not gonna go well :P
:) keep it in 5th on 1st corner, 3rd for 2nd corner. 4th after 3rd corner and drop into 3rd for last bend.

You waste time dropping into 4th on the 1st corner, you need to be going at least 140 on the exit. and I can hit 83 on the 2nd corner. 2nd gear is only good for 81. :) Now, go beat my time :)

Auto for me lads! Haha.
I guess I won't beat those times, fastest I've had is 35.808 on auto. I just can't get used to manual driving, on a keyboard :|

Do you have a pad / steering wheel green? NICE driving.

Valkia update the time to beat and closely following :)
I guess I won't beat those times, fastest I've had is 35.808 on auto. I just can't get used to manual driving, on a keyboard :|

Do you have a pad / steering wheel green? NICE driving.

Valkia update the time to beat and closely following :)

Yeah, I'm on a 360 pad. Its a lot easier with Analogue inputs
I was going to buy an xbox pad last night for this, but I bought my watercooling gear instead :D... Gonna try and learn to shift manual on the keyboard. Wish me luck :|
This game really doesn't take much to run in all honesty, what frames are you pushing Greeny? 120 constant here (stock 3770k + SLI 670).

Wish I'd bought an xbox pad last night now hah...
This game really doesn't take much to run in all honesty, what frames are you pushing Greeny? 120 constant here (stock 3770k + SLI 670).

Wish I'd bought an xbox pad last night now hah...

On ultra at 2560x1440? im using a 3770k at 4.7 and sli gtx 670 , some courses drop to 50fps.
This game really doesn't take much to run in all honesty, what frames are you pushing Greeny? 120 constant here (stock 3770k + SLI 670).

Wish I'd bought an xbox pad last night now hah...

I have no clue. Runs smooth tho. maxing my graphics card out. CPU barely hits 50%.
On ultra at 2560x1440? im using a 3770k at 4.7 and sli gtx 670 , some courses drop to 50fps.

1080p XL2420T. I haven't noticed many drops, take my vsync off and they bounce around the 250-300 mark. My cards hover at 60% with vsync on but they're clocked high.
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