grievance raised against me in work

14 Aug 2004
So, first post in a while :) I was hoping someone could offer advice on this.

I work for a company of about 70 staff and was called into a meeting on Friday to say that a colleague had raised a grievance against me and they asked me some questions... they told me that they needed to determine the facts or if it was all just hearsay. My manager asked me to be as honest as possible so that they could get the facts. I was asked if I had ever been negative, if I had ever used obscene language or if I had ever been inappropriate. I answered the questions the best I could and they wrote things down. It was as if they were fishing for info, like they wanted me to land myself in the you know what. I asked who raised the grievance and they said that they couldn't tell me. I asked what I had allegedly done as I could answer the questions better and they told me that they couldn't tell me. After the meeting, I felt sick to my stomach. I can't think of what it is that I've apparently done.

I was told that there will be another meeting this week and another manager who will make the decision will be present.

My question is, what can they do? They never asked me to sign the minutes they took when questioning me. My work doesn't have an HR department. I've been worried all weekend as I could potentially lose my job :(. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Are you part of a union? If so they wont be able to help because of the Tory union bills.

Joking aside if you are part of a union get them in.

I wouldn't have said a thing tbh and said if there is an issue i want it in the presence of HR where it can be recorded and I want the circumstances. I am quite sure under the ERA96 they have to tell you the basics of the complaint/grievance eg the grievance is specifically X.

I'm no lawyer (thank god) but I would bet my bottom dollar negativity I not an enforceable grievance.

I just joined a union a few mins ago but would this be valid as the grievance was raised before me joining a union?
So I spoke to the general manager and she said that I will be having a meeting either tomorrow or Thursday and that I'll be given a formal letter. I have never felt so neglected in all my life, they're not doing or telling me anything. They must have to have a duty of care for me as well as the person who raised the grievance. I feel so down and so stressed, it's a shame I don't get sick pay. I can't think about anything else other than this yet I'm expected to work which I have been doing but it's tough.

I still don't know what the grievance is about but I'm sure I'll find out at the meeting whenever it may be. Am I entitled to see the grievance raised?

Thanks for all of your help and support guys/girls :)
sorry for the late response guys, had a meeting during the week and got issued with a written warning. I am relieved I didn't get the boot and they made their mind up before I even had a chance to defend myself so no point in going into details with them. It's crap but that's just how it is. I am looking for a new job, I feel I've been treated unfairly and this was a clear witch hunt. The list of things on the grievance don't make any sense and I believe they're just peoples opinions. There were things on the list like, "he's obnoxious", "he walks about the place and annoys everyone". It's just a **** take in all honest. Thanks for everything guys :)
I want to appeal the decision but I'm not sure if I have the grounds to? I asked if they had already made their decision and they said yeah and the letter (written warning) was in a sealed envelope. Have they not followed the correct process here? I got called in again yesterday as it seems other people are jumping on the bandwagon - I've never felt this bad in all my life!
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