Gross vs Net pay when arguing for salary increase.

Yup - value to your employer, what you've personally achieved/what you contribute and/or current market rates are the things to look at here... convoluted arguments about gross vs net and inflation are not too relevant - should be aiming for above inflation anyway.
Just after some opinions

When determining if you are due a salary increment, is it acceptable to use net pay as opposed to gross pay. Assuming your pay is broadly the same and you haven't changed tax codes, no additional salary sacrifice etc.

Reason I ask is if I inflation adjust my gross pay over the past 3 years it may have gone up by 1%, but if I inflation adjust my net pay it has gone down by 1% (numbers entirely made up but hopefully you get the idea).

Given my job is quite dependent on experience, I think being worse off in terms of actual take home (net) is grounds for a salary increment, even if I may have seen a small increase in gross (both inflation adjusted).
As other have said, inflation is not reason enough to push for a salary increase.

The arguments you mention here are very much about YOU, not about your value to your employer/the market.

What extra are you taking on? How has the market changed? What happens if you don't get a raise?
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