I built a raised patch last year, purely for my son and I to practice and learn together. He's 22 months now and we have put in peas, onions, garlic, carrots, spring onions and 9 growbags of 3 varieties of potatos.
We have planted some rocket, chives, mint and rosemary.
I have also bought two single grow bag greenhouses for tomatos.
My boy absolutely loves his veggies and I saw it as a way to learn together and he can see where all his favourites come from. There will no doubt be some complete disasters but it's been a great way to spend time together so far.
What terrible parenting, your child might fail to grow up as a fat, unhealthy Mcdonalds eating chav with no respect for his parents....... which seems to be the majority goal of parenting for the country
Seriously though, I think my parents weren't terrible but I feel late to the game in so much, gardening I've started in the past two years really but its such a long learning curve and feels like another long winded thing to learn. I'd have absolutely loved to have learned as a kid like you're teaching yours.
I built(had a lot of help) 4 roughly 2.4x1.2m raised beds, quite high due to bad knee's, though filling it with soil was knee breaking work, this year will be WAY easier.
Also got the bed's ready for planting pretty much one at a time and first two were only ready by early June really.
At the moment got Courgettes, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, chilli's, aubergine all growing, not huge but on their way to being a decent size before the frost is gone.
Have shallots, spring onions, leeks, carrots, runner beans, dwarf french beans, a load of mangetout/pea's, lettuce, sweetcorn, beetroot, range of herbs all to go aswell though a lot of that will be direct sown in the beds, probably under cloches in the next week or so.
Got loads of work to do though, double digging a lot of other space we have for more permanent stuff like the herbs, and some saffron, maybe some small fruit tree's and more space for extra tomatoes and courgette's as cherry tomatoes are a waste in the beds, and the courgettes get so big they are better off in huge pots aswell.
Trouble I have is ridiculous levels of slugs in our garden, and foxes who like to dig everywhere, and a couple of our own cats though they are pretty good at leaving the beds alone.