Grrrr. £204 left my wallet.

its quicker and less painfull to have it fitted £10 near me

its hard to ride with a spare strapped to the tank though
Had a blow out on rear at 70mph between Harrogate/Ripon but carried on for another couple of miles with the thing wallowing all over the place anyway. I stopped finally, resigned to the fact the AA would take hours to get me home, and they didn't disappoint in that respect. Ran over a screw at speed that punched home in the tread perfectly.

Rather than go with another BT021 I went with Pirelli Angel. Hopefully it'll last more than the 2k for the Bridgestones but they don't grip as well, and slide about a bit leant right over, but that might be with having the BT021 on the front and Pirelli on the back, not sure. I'm sure it only cost about £130 fitted though, or something like that.
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