GRUB - where is it located and what if i merge partitions?

28 Oct 2002

I have a dual boot dapper/winXP system with default grub set up.

My linux is on 3 partitions (boot/swap/root) and WinXP is on the c drive

if when in windows i merge the linux partitions do i end up deleeting GRUb and if so will my winXP boot?


The grub bootloader is in the bootsector (mbr) of the hard disk and the rest of grub is on one of the Linux partitions usually under a file in /boot/grub/menu.lst. If you run the command fixmbr in Windows XP recovery console it wipes the grub bootloader and replaces it with Windows XP's own one.

I think if you merge the two linux partitions you will indeed wipe the main part of grub and it won't boot so you'll have to boot the computer to XP Recovery Console with an XP CD, type fixmbr and press enter and then it will boot again if XP is on the first active partition.
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