GSH smells like toast?

the GF has just rather nicely informed me of the following:

"If you smell burnt toast when there is no bread burning in the toaster, this is called an olfactory hallucination. It is possible to experience olfactory hallucinations when you have a brain abnormality, such as a brain tumor, or if you are about to experience a seizure or a stroke. In order to rule out these issues, you can visit a doctor and get a brain MRI."

wonderful :D

Olfactory hallucinations had also crossed my mind, but you only got the smell of toast in the hallway/ kitchen area.

I knew one person that had olfactory hallucination, & he had phantom smells everywhere, & not just in one place.
Overheating electrical cables and their insulation can smell like burning toast, it might be worth having someone check the tightness & condition of the connections on the boiler spur & progammer unit if you have one.
happy to report that i haven't died of CO poisoning.. :D

installed the alarm last night (which has not gone off at all). also i hoovered the hallway rad, which was rank. filled our bagless hoover entirely with dust and dog hair (im assuming the previous tenant had a dog..). i also turned the rad down as it was set to 11 and was the temperature of the sun.

this morning, no noticeable smell. huzzah!
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