GSkill HZ (PC4000) has arrived

30 Aug 2004
It has arrived now and generates errors in memtest86 when its at 280x10 at 1:1 running 3-4-4-8 timings. I now have it on a 180 divider running 280x10. so the memory is at 254mhz.

should i try it at 270x10 and no divider (doing away with 100mhz) or try something else like adjusting the timings/voltage on the memory to get it to 280mhz at 1:1

Spec in sig
Jamie1984 said:
but its performance memory aint it? or does that count for nothin?

depends. i have no idea how this particular stuff clocks. :p

the ram in my sig for instance is pc3200 rated for 200 yet i'm running it at 245mhz. some people have got their's to 270 and above. mine simply won't do it but can i complain? nope. even if it wouldn't do 201 i can't complain so long as it runs flawlessly at 200.... :)
marc2003 said:
pc4000 ram is only rated for 250mhz..... :)

we are on an overclockers forum here :)

should i leave on divider and be happy with just above 250mhz or take it off a divider and slacken timings/increase volts?
geeza said:
we are on an overclockers forum here :)

you missed my 2nd post then.... ;)

i take it you researched the ram before you bought it. everyone elses stuff doing 280+? :)

sorry i really have no idea about 2gb kits.... :p
Agent WD40 said:
And 250mhz isn't enough for you..? Mine topps out at about 270 mhz and seeing as this is a 2gig kit I am very pleased with it!

Agent. :cool:
ill let you know when i get a new rig to overclock!..hey before i started reading these boards all i knew of was the FSB (LDT now? :D ) and a its all dividers, ram timings, volts!
GSkill seems like it can be made to work in most situations :) Mine was unstable at 260Mhz, but I finally managed to get it stable by dropping the voltage to 2.4V and messing around with the data drive strengths and various timings.

Just remember however that since it's labelled as PC4000, it's only guaranteed to 250Mhz.
Squidge said:
Mine was unstable at 260Mhz, but I finally managed to get it stable by dropping the voltage to 2.4V and messing around with the data drive strengths and various timings.

I dont understand why it prefers less volts (ie 2.6) but its default is 2.7 :confused:
so, say your g.skill maxes out at 260mhz, you could then get 260 x 10 (multi on opteron 170?) for 2.6ghz? or could you then add a divider to bump it up a little?
Jamie1984 said:
so, say your g.skill maxes out at 260mhz, you could then get 260 x 10 (multi on opteron 170?) for 2.6ghz? or could you then add a divider to bump it up a little?

the multi on an opteron 146 is X10, not sure about an opteron 170. you dont 'bump it up' with a divider.

you set the fsb higher, a la 280x10, then set the divider (of say 180) so it makes the memory stay at 250mhz. I dont know the maths behind how it works so just boot into memtest first and have a look, so it doesnt bugger up windows if its too high.

Im going to try for 1:1 with my Gskill tonight by changing from 3-4-4-8 trc 7 2.7volts to 3-4-3-8 trc 13 volts at 2.6. lets hope it works
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