Total VR noob with a really basic question - do the current crop of VR headets support gsync/ freesync or the equivalent technology?
If not, as most seem to be 90Hz displays - is it the case that if you can't hit 90fps constantly in a game then you get hitching/ judder if the frame rate drops under that, the same as you do on a normal monitor without gsync/ freesync?
I've been gaming on a Gsync monitor for the last 4 years, and can never, ever go back to any sort of hitching/ judder/ stutter that you get in games, if the frame rate can't match the Hz of the display. I would guess stutters would be even more noticeable and horrific in a VR display too?
If not, as most seem to be 90Hz displays - is it the case that if you can't hit 90fps constantly in a game then you get hitching/ judder if the frame rate drops under that, the same as you do on a normal monitor without gsync/ freesync?
I've been gaming on a Gsync monitor for the last 4 years, and can never, ever go back to any sort of hitching/ judder/ stutter that you get in games, if the frame rate can't match the Hz of the display. I would guess stutters would be even more noticeable and horrific in a VR display too?
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