GSync not working on some games? Certain games look horrible.

Bit of an update, I think I may know what it is...

Buggy CPU/Motherboard.

When I play anything where the CPU usage is above 80%, or a single core is doing a lot of work (dota) it starts doing it.

If I CPU limit myself in Red Dead Online, I can see it to some degree, not loads, but 100fps and low GPU usage feels a fair bit worse than cranking up the graphics and running at say 60-70fps. Again, only seems to be on a mouse which is odd, I guess controller movement is slower though so maybe is masked by that?

This sort of explains to me why battlefield 5 online immediately feels terrible (but feeling great with a controller which throws me off a bit)

I've also noticed if I play BF5 practice range, no stuttering at all, implying CPU again? I only get it on BF5 in multiplayer matches.

I've tried to replicate with other games, but can't get CPU high enough to really tell. Company of Heroes 2 feels a similar thing, but then CPU and GPU usage are both sub 50%.

I've got another PSU lying around, might try that out to see if its a power thing (pretty sure I've already tried this PSU, but no harm trying again)

If that doesn't work, I might buy a B550 board to see if that makes a difference as it's cheaper than a CPU change.

EDIT - Tested a 80+ plat PSU...No difference. Losing my sanity over this lol, can't tell what I'm even seeing anymore.
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I've noticed when I bump up the CPU usage, say by running another game in the background to stress it, the FPS counter stays basically the same, but I get more stutter. When I do a CapframeX capture, the analysis shows as completely smooth! which is definitely not even close to correct.

Got a B550 mobo coming to see if that changes anything.
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Download Prime95 and run a CPU stress test in the background. This will help eliminate the CPU from the equation. It has different tests - some for stressing it specifically to generate heat and it also has some other features for RAM testing IIRC.

It might even be a hard drive hardware problem - the intermittent nature of your issue might be caused by paging? It's been a while but I've seen similar things before.

Prime95 runs all good, HWinfo logs don't show any issues either.

I've tried swapping the games between drives, can look at paging as well. It's just not like a stutter that anyone else experiences, I've search the entire web with barely any luck.

Tried a B550 board today and it didn't make any difference either.

Here is a video I've found online with someone with seemingly the same issue. It's a constant stutter, not when anything gets high usage, or a drive starts up.

Also this (but this looks like a much milder version):

I've also tried using arrow keys on BF5 instead of the mouse to rule that out, and the arrow keys are even worse!
Happens with BF2042 as well.

It seems to show itself on any CPU intensive games. Not necessarily high CPU usage, or even on one core, but any games that go above like 50% CPU usage. This is just a guess though as I can't see anything else it could be. I can play on potato graphics with 0 GPU usage and it still does it.
Battlefield games the nVidia control panel setting for pre-rendered frames (Low Latency Mode) and the in-game setting for render ahead limit can make a huge difference to how smoothly the game plays especially with G-Sync. For BF4 it is RenderDevice.RenderAheadLimit - IIRC -1 works best for my setup.

If you are on an older system with an older OS than Windows 10 then disabling core parking also makes a huge difference to Battlefield games smoothness and performance.

I believe the Future Frame Rendering setting in game has some effect on this? It changes my FPS but not my unsmooth feeling unfortunately. I've also tried playing around with the Low Latency setting in the NVCP, no luck.

Currently downloading other games to see if I can replicate it on them such as Apex. I'm able to replicate it on strategy games, I can play on 720p lowest, or 1440p highest....same thing.

Everything points to the CPU, but I've just never heard of a CPU having these kind of issues before. If I don't find a fix, I'm going to buy the 12400 when it comes out and update this thread...hopefully with good news lol.

EDIT - Can't really replicate it in Apex...CPU usage is sub 50% though at all times.
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If I set Prime95 to not quite 100% but 5 out of 6 cores, then play R6 (which doesn't experience this issue) you can now see it, fps drops to 100, but that should still feel can see the weird stuttery frameyness going on.
If I play this game at 100fps by playing in 5k res, it still feels as smooth as 100fps should.

Still pointing at the CPU here...
for dota problem i this i a Dota 2 problem, if i do 165 fps is ok when some time go under, like 120 game seen like choping, but this is a problem of Hz/fps

I think I see this with most games that are CPU bottlenecked now that I've looked for it, with Dota being the worst offender. Honestly I've no concrete idea what it could be. I've tested everything other than swapping CPU or GPU, and seeing as GPU usage is none existent when I see it, I'm not sure what else to try.
try to set HZ to 90 from windows and see if game had the same problem

No I don't get it if I fix the game to 90hz or 75hz, but my game never drops to that low anyways. If I set it to 120hz, it will do it whenever it drops below this, and my theory is because it is the CPU usage spiking that is causing it. (mainly because I have no other theories :p)
Just got myself a 5800x. Will update if it makes a difference, even if not, still happy with upgrading.

Also planning on replacing all SATA cables.

Definitely also getting it in Phasmophobia when CPU bound.
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try to set HZ to 90 from windows and see if game had the same problem

Have you been able to swap any parts with your brother's pc? perhaps SSD or GPU would be useful to know.

Today I tried a new CPU, plugged my PC and Monitor into a different room, with nothing other than the display port and mouse plugged in...offline...still same issue.

I feel I've tried everything except a new GPU now :|

EDIT - Trying it TF2....if I open up my monitor OSD, when I see the monitor hz change and shows a different fps than the counter, this is when I can see it stuttering. So it seems to be a monitor/gpu desync of some kind.

Same with Dota. If I use RTSS and cap it at 120fps, I can see my monitor OSD hover around 120fps and looks smooth. If I use the in game fps cap and set it to anything, I can see it bouncing between 144hz, 75hz..and everything in between...which is when I can see the stuttering, but the fps counter still says what I capped it to. Even if I disable adaptive sync on the monitor, and can see that the monitor hz isn't fluctuating, the issue is still seen.

If I set RTSS limiter to 90fps, looks super smooth with no frametime changes. If I set it to say frametime changes at all, but looks horrendous. Presumably because the monitor/gpu aren't syncing?
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Yeah, my monitor has basic and extended.

Perhaps it's related to having a Freesync monitor with an Nvidia GPU. Who knows.

I don't mind playing a game at locked 60, it looks bad compared to 144fps but, it's not the same thing that I get in Dota.

If I use RTSS to cap FPS in dota at 60 or 75 or 90 etc, it looks fine, yeah not as smooth as 144hz, but fine.

Since I upgraded to a 5800x, i've not really seen any drops in Dota, however I can replicate it by using the in-game FPS cap. Anything under 144fps and it looks terrible.

Honestly there isn't anything really left for me to try, I'll update the thread if I ever find out what it is, or when I upgrade my GPU hopefully end of 2022.
I don't think you have any problem with the pc .. after research and research I realized that 144-165-180-etc etc. i like 60Hz more fluid without a doubt .. but how do you go below the native Hz of the monitor. it is as if I went below 60 fps .. and the more you go down the more it is related

I don't get it in every game. If I play say R6 Siege, 90-100fps feels so much nicer than 60fps. It's just certain games.

It's also not due to framepacing or poor frametimes, as I've checked that as well and it's not related to when it looks jittery.
yes.. i play resident evil village capped to 120 fps and was smooth.. whehn try to put 60 fps looks orrible.. but only when i move camera..

Do all of your games feel bad at 90-100fps also? BF2042 does the same. Great consistent frametime graph, but 110fps feels absolutely awful for some reason. :(
To update, I've upgraded my GPU to a 4070ti....still does the exact same thing.
I've now replaced every single component in my PC, with no luck....
(to recap, anything other than 144fps locked, in basically all games, especially dota, looks trash)

Only things I can think of left are trying an AMD GPU, a GSYNC Ultimate Monitor, or an Intel CPU/Mobo.

Getting sick of pc gaming honestly.
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