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GTA 5 - Poor SLI Scaling

6 Jan 2013
Looking for suggestions here if possible. I'm getting low FPS and poor scaling in this game, and I know from recent threads that it shouldn't be like that. I'm getting the same issue with Dying Light, so I'm now assuming it's my hardware and not the game.

CPU : 4790k @ stock
GPU : 980 G1 Gaming SLI @ stock
Monitor : ROG Swift - 1440p @ 144hz

Gsync is disabled (although results are the same on or off)

I have Afterburner running with RivaTuner set to cap FPS @ 142 (for optimal Gsync).

Please help!


Are you using the 350.12 driver?

I'm using vsync so am capped at 60FPS but am seeing utilisation on both cards vary between 60 and 100% depending on the complexity of the scene.

Yes, using the latest driver.

I had it with Dying Light. It was flickering like crazy.

Are you on the latest GTAV driver?

Did you get it sorted?

My first port of call would be overclocking the cpu to see if there is a cpu bottleneck. 4790K, even at stock is a very quick cpu however, so I don't see that being the case, but it would at least rule it out.

Tried it at 4.6 and still the same. CPU usage is just over 50% so I'm ruling out the bottleneck.

Dragon Age runs perfect SLI scaling.
Do the following shadows to high advanced shadows to off and msaa off you should get 80-150 quite easily if your still stuck under 60 we can look further

Makes no difference. :(

Here's single GPU forced in NCP...


And here's SLI...


As you can see, single GPU utilisation is 90%+, but SLI utilisation is in the 60s and I've gained 9 frames.

Something definitely not right.
Try the following:
1. Remove that FPS locking crap you got running :p

if not different
Reset all NV 3D settings in case you left somthing on in general settings, maybe 4x MFAA or High Qaulity AF etc.

2. Re-download the driver
3. Do a NVidia Custom Clean Install
4. set everything on GTA to Say High (not very high or ultra)
5. GTA IN Direct X 11 mode?

any difference?
5. CHeck your SLI bridge connector is nicely secure
6. check the PCI-E lanes are correct 4970k are 16x and 8X?

Tried all that mate, and no change.

I even switched to a 1080p non Gsync monitor but the scaling is still awful. So I can rule out issues with the Swift.

Running out of ideas here.

If I want to roll back the driver, can I just run the installer and choose clean install, or would I have to DDU first?
ive notcied this too

980 SLI ROG swift 5930k @ 4.5

settings maxed except msaa off and my fps in the 60-80s with GU usage in the 60% range

v-sync off and refresh set to 119hz

think its a driver bug

That's pretty much carbon copy of my experience.

I'll roll the driver back and see if it makes any difference.
It's only 'bad' scaling if it's not maxing out both cards - if it needs to. If people are playing this locked at 60fps for example, which I'm guessing many will, then two decent cards like 970's in SLI pumping away at 70% usage each, sounds just as it should be to me if a steady 60fps is all you want to hit.

Edit - just re-read your first post, you're running at 144hz, sorry. Hmmm, not sure then, perhaps a bottleneck of some sort. I'm expecting delivery of the game on DVD today (a first for years!) and will do some extensive tinkering and testing with this one. I run 780Ti SLI and a 2600k at 4.5ghz, and a Rog Swift - so a fairly similar set up to the OP!

Wunkley, thanks I appreciate your input.

To recap:

It's maybe not bad scaling as such, I mean the cards have a pretty equal percentage whether it be 99% or 60%. The only way I can get the cards to work 99% is to enable MSAA at 8x. However, this gives a similar FPS to the cards working at 60% with MSAA off so it's pointless.

It's a bottleneck of some kind, but I seriously don't think it's hardware. A guy with pretty much the exact same spec as me has the exact same issue.

I'm starting to think it may be memory related. :confused:

** EDIT **

Here's the graphics settings :



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I'm sure I uninstalled Rivatuner and the usage was just the same (Afterburner shows GPU usage without Rivatuner).

Could someone else confirm it's not Rivatuner causing this? I'm 99% sure it's the driver or the game at fault.
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