GTA V - Just about ready to give up on this game... Help?

26 Jan 2011
So I'm at my wit's end with this game... No matter what I do I cannot get rid of this stuttering. Dxtory shows the game running well over 60, yet I am still getting horrendous stuttering with both a single card and in SLI.

I've tried the game with one 980 and with both in SLI, rolled my drivers back to the 350.12 drivers released with GTA, set the game to high priority in task manager, fiddled around with settings in the control panel and in game, lowered the graphics settings to their lowest possible settings, and nothing has helped...

Has anyone got a similar system, had similar issues and found a fix for this? As much as I want to play this game, I'm just about ready to give up and move on.

My system specs:

i5 3570K
ASRock Extreme7 Gen3
SLI 980s
Crucial M4 SSD (the game is on the SSD)
Dell U2711 (2560x1440)

Help? Please? :)
It could just be a placebo effect, but they seem less severe than they were before, although they're not gone completely.

I remember the game being buttery smooth on launch, and then after an update a while back I've had nothing but problems with it...

Thanks for the suggestion :) I'm still very much open to trying other things to get this game running at an acceptable standard!
The usual suggestions are to try changing mouse input between raw/windows/dx input while trying different vsync options - IIRC using adaptive vsync with windows mouse input is one that works for a lot of people.
Adaptive vsync in nvidia panel and disable it ingame. Usually did the trick. Tho careful not to turn on the settings to high ingame, i could get most up to a good degree but left shadows on normal as if i did em on high i did get the odd jerk in fps but most of the time it was ok but it did happen, turn shadows to normal and it was smooth.
The usual suggestions are to try changing mouse input between raw/windows/dx input while trying different vsync options - IIRC using adaptive vsync with windows mouse input is one that works for a lot of people.

Thanks. I'll give these a go.

Is your CPU overclocked?

It is. I believe I'm running something in the region of 4.2 - 4.4. Were you going to suggest stock clocks or overclocking it?
Adaptive vsync in nvidia panel and disable it ingame. Usually did the trick. Tho careful not to turn on the settings to high ingame, i could get most up to a good degree but left shadows on normal as if i did em on high i did get the odd jerk in fps but most of the time it was ok but it did happen, turn shadows to normal and it was smooth.

Will give this a try too, however the FPS counter is showing 70 - 80 most of the time with everything on ultra (bar the advanced options) and setting everything down to normal, turning AA off completely, etc. made no difference whatsoever in terms of the stuttering and for some bizarre reason I was getting exactly the same sort of frames...
AA shouldnt be more than 2x and use fxaa i found it to be decent enough that way iirc.

The fps counter should be saying 60, it works best with vsync on in nvidia control panel set to adaptive as has been said. Hopefully if it stays fully 60 and not 59 or below u shouldnt get any stutter, i didnt and was solid 60 iirc. That 1 fps difference usually caused the stutter, mad i know but there u go. That was without adaptive vsync but with it, i generally was always full 60.
AA shouldnt be more than 2x and use fxaa i found it to be decent enough that way iirc.

The fps counter should be saying 60, it works best with vsync on in nvidia control panel set to adaptive as has been said. Hopefully if it stays fully 60 and not 59 or below u shouldnt get any stutter, i didnt and was solid 60 iirc. That 1 fps difference usually caused the stutter, mad i know but there u go. That was without adaptive vsync but with it, i generally was always full 60.

I've been using MSAA x2 up until now. I tried FXAA and didn't notice much of a difference in terms of my frames. I tried adaptive sync and that made the tearing worse, so I think I may need to play around tomorrow turning a few of the suggested settings off. The weird thing is I put everything on normal (low) and was still getting stutters... :confused:

Put grass on the lowest?

Will also give this a go :)

I'm just finding it weird how disabling things seems to have almost no impact on the frames I'm getting. Putting everything on its lowest setting gave me exactly the same performance as everything on ultra. I really can't work out why...

Appreciate all the suggestions so far though :)
Tearing would only happen if you didnt turn vsync off ingame first before you put in nvidia panel adaptive vsync globally.

One thing i did notice when i used to play gta v. If my game started in a window i would get tearing and bad performance. You also got crap textures at a distance as AF wouldnt work properly. So when your game starts if its got a border for first screen after you click play from launcher then somits up. Not sure how i fixed it to go fullscreen all the time but might have been a nvidia setting i tried maybe or somit in nvidia inspector, removing it and only touching vsync to adaptive maybe what fixed it for me. Long shot as probably not your issue but thought id mention it.
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I mentioned this in the drivers thread, I'm also getting awful stuttering even though I'm hitting 100+fps, wondering if it's a game issue? I'm using g-sync, combat is horrible, barely playable.
The only way I can get the game as smooth as silk on my system is to

- turn off MSAA completely. After loads of testing I found this was a key factor of microstutter in this game. I use my own sweetfx config with smaa which works better anyway

- run the game at 60hz, and use a frame rate limiter such as RTSS, set to 59

Doing this its one of the smoothest games I'm currently playing.

This is on an SLI system with a gsync monitor by the way. I should add that as with most games/ SLI/ gsync, I think it's SLI that's the primary issue, as running on one card is always super smooth (but the frame rates on one card are too low to be enjoyable due to the resultant motion blur).
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Tearing would only happen if you didnt turn vsync off ingame first before you put in nvidia panel adaptive vsync globally.

One thing i did notice when i used to play gta v. If my game started in a window i would get tearing and bad performance. You also got crap textures at a distance as AF wouldnt work properly. So when your game starts if its got a border for first screen after you click play from launcher then somits up. Not sure how i fixed it to go fullscreen all the time but might have been a nvidia setting i tried maybe or somit in nvidia inspector, removing it and only touching vsync to adaptive maybe what fixed it for me. Long shot as probably not your issue but thought id mention it.

Sorry, I meant stuttering! :p

I found out that the fullscreen issue is to do with your monitor refresh rate not matching the game's refresh rate exactly, so I set them both and while it does now launch in fullscreen, the stutters are still present...

I mentioned this in the drivers thread, I'm also getting awful stuttering even though I'm hitting 100+fps, wondering if it's a game issue? I'm using g-sync, combat is horrible, barely playable.

It's ridiculous. I've got a couple more suggestions to try and then I'm done with the game and will just wait for Just Cause 3.

Since moving to windows 10 I cant play gta 5 properly it stutters and pauses then resumes every 5 seconds.
PLus far cry 4 runs like sh== atm, need a fix for all this c'mon.

I'm on Windows 7 and it's running like **** too... I did upgrade to Windows 10 briefly and there was no difference in performance so I'm thinking it really is just the game for some people...

The only way I can get the game as smooth as silk on my system is to

- turn off MSAA completely. After loads of testing I found this was a key factor of microstutter in this game. I use my own sweetfx config with smaa which works better anyway

- run the game at 60hz, and use a frame rate limiter such as RTSS, set to 59

Doing this its one of the smoothest games I'm currently playing.

This is on an SLI system with a gsync monitor by the way. I should add that as with most games/ SLI/ gsync, I think it's SLI that's the primary issue, as running on one card is always super smooth (but the frame rates on one card are too low to be enjoyable due to the resultant motion blur).

Ah, I'll give this a go too. Thanks for the suggestions :)

I'm actually thinking about getting hold of a pirated copy and running the game without any updates to see if it is indeed the updates that have broken the game for me.
I had bad FPS drops and it turned out a uninstall and reinstall of in my case afterburner fixed my issues.. if u use precision x do the same.

I had this problem through all my games though.
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