GTA V - Just about ready to give up on this game... Help?

Is it stutter or does it just feel low fps?

I get a lot of stutters, but it also feels like it's running at 30 even at a solid 70+ frames per second... It's just as bad whether I'm running at maximum detail settings or with absolutely everything turned down/off though.

I'm tempted to try a fresh installation, but that means 60GB+, and where I live the best I can get is 14MB/s...

I had bad FPS drops and it turned out a uninstall and reinstall of in my case afterburner fixed my issues.. if u use precision x do the same.

I had this problem through all my games though.

I didn't even have anything like this installed after a fresh installation of Windows. I downloaded nVidia Inspector to limit the frames to 59 and that hasn't helped at all...
Wasnt there a issue if you used overlay things like afterburner or anything like that showing fps and gpu temps etc when playing games on the screen at the same time as your playing?

Also make sure you close all ur background processes like antivirus and whatever else u got running near the clock in the corner of the screen.

Dont limit the fps to 59 as i didnt and needed the game to show using steam overlay fps counter to be a full 60, if it went down just one to 59 i got stutter.
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I get a lot of stutters, but it also feels like it's running at 30 even at a solid 70+ frames per second... It's just as bad whether I'm running at maximum detail settings or with absolutely everything turned down/off though.
My game feels like its <30 FPS without VSYNC on.

Originally vsync on or off in game did not solve anything I had to force vsync in my driver control panel and put vsync on in game. After windows 10 install I only had to turn it on in game to fix this.

You could also try installing the ENB and forcing vsync in there.

It's weird because I can see no reason why it feels this way without vsync on, FPS and frametime are all spot on.

Also if you're running W10 check running processes there is a little **** called runtimebroker which likes to eat CPU for no reason.

Maybe try this too:
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OP you are not alone, you can tweak different configs on your setup until you are blue in the face.

Its 100% the game, the previous patch fixed stuttering for a lot of people but there are some people like yourself who are still reporting stuttering. R* have acknowledged the issue and are working on a fix.

I'm surprised you didn't pick this up on a search engine.

If you run a search for "cause of stutter identified gta forums" there should be a 13 page long thread about it. Just have to wait for a fix.
My game feels like its <30 FPS without VSYNC on.

Originally vsync on or off in game did not solve anything I had to force vsync in my driver control panel and put vsync on in game. After windows 10 install I only had to turn it on in game to fix this.

You could also try installing the ENB and forcing vsync in there.

It's weird because I can see no reason why it feels this way without vsync on, FPS and frametime are all spot on.

Also if you're running W10 check running processes there is a little **** called runtimebroker which likes to eat CPU for no reason.

Maybe try this too:

i had the runtimebroker using cpu usage, this solved it for me

Someone mentioned that they solved this problem by going to Settings, System Display, Notifications & actions. Turn OFF "Show me tips about windows".
I ran this last night, performance is still bad at max. Grass had to be taken down a notch and AA just kills performance. Still not found a blend I'm happy with. And the annoying 30fps cap the moment you dip below 60fps is just STUPID.
I am taking a hiatus until the next patch.

They fixed the horrendous stuttering for a great many in the last patch. However I did not have any stuttering, therefore I do now.

I had 100+ hours of trouble free awesome game play, then the last patch, released to fix the graphics issues everybody was moaning about... killed it....

There are loads of threads on it, however this one sums up my issues perfectly..... GTA Forums
I've tried limiting the fps and not. Neither makes a jot of difference. I've also had it running with Dxtory and not and that makes no difference either. I still get horrendous stuttering.

V Sync on doesn't help at all either. I'm not running Windows 10. I went to it briefly but didn't really like it so went back to 7. To be honest, I've spent a couple of days trying hundreds of suggestions and nothing has made any difference, so screw it. I'll come back to the game when/if they fix it...

I didn't find any acknowledgement from Rockstar that it's on their end. Every thread I found on their forums suggested creating a support ticket with them which I've done before and got nowhere with... I was starting to think it must be the game. My performance was great before the Ill Gotten Gains update, and subsequent updates since then have made it worse if anything...

I've tried settings maxed (which I ran at before the Ill Gotten Gains patch) and as low as they'll go and it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to the stuttering. I'm just going to wait and hope they fix the game because I know my PC can handle this game just fine.

Alt tabbing didn't fix the stuttering for me either. It's one of the many suggestions I've tried... :p

It doesn't seem like some of us have a choice. If anything the last patch made the stuttering even worse. My brother is running an i5 2500K and a GTX 670 and can play this game mostly at high at 1080p just fine. It runs better on his 670 than it does on my 980s! I put a lot of time into the multiplayer from launch, so I know the game ran fine at one point. Oh well. I guess we play the waiting game...

Thanks for all the suggestions and feedback. Appreciate it, but I'm done messing around with it for the time being... :rolleyes:
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