GTA V Multiplayer thread (360, XBOX ONE, PS3 and PS4)

25 Aug 2010
For anything associated with the Online portion of GTAV alongside our OcUK crew

Don't forget E-mail: [email protected]

For any input,feedback,bugs or things you want to see.

For the members of the OcUK social club crew. OcUK Crew Link - Click Here

If you want to join the Crew, add either Davey_Pitch (Social Club: Davey_Pitch), Aeleys (Social Club: Rufus010) or Shamikebab (Social Club: Shamikebab) as friends on the Rockstar Social Club, and tell us who you are on OcUK. We can then invite you in.

Just post your gamer tag/psn & Rockstar social club name and I'll compile a list for those of us in the crew.

Rockstar Social Club
Forum name

Also please remember, we are a crew so in missions/hesits make sure you do equal splits for loot/money unless you have agreed something else with the people you are currently playing with, anything goes outside of that though. Including being ran over while someone yells GTA mother ****** :)

Xbox One / 360

Rufus010 (Aeleys)
DaveyPitch (Davey_Pitch)
Shamikebab (Shamikebab)
Konvict VIVIVI (anticonscience)
GothThug69 (Tingtangmakadingdong)
Robothacker (jamesy505)
ScarySquirrelUK (ScarySquirrel)
Maccy (JonnyMac07)
Fango Jett (5punk3monk3y)
ol soulja lo (Soulja)
Greboth (Greboth)
Jonny Geee (JonnyGeee)
ADZU5A (Adam Senior)
Gino Mol (molinari)
TheBironicMan (biron_w)
KilllerCal (rigby93)
SKR Phoenix ([SKR]Phoenix)
tommsinclair (tsinc80697)
TehBluebear (TehBluebear)
Goates100 (Goates)
NEMTIZ (nemitzz)
Homeslice530 (Django x2)
Taranatar (Huggie86)
crunchman1990 (crunchman)
lordrobs (lordrobs)
Fr0dders (Fr0dders)
Thundery (Jon20)
Ollie133 (Traffic_Warden)
SatNav37 (teh_captain)
kylevtr (kylevVTR)
Messiah Comp1ex (V_R)
Sir R0p3y (Fireblade2K4)
Niroe (niroe)
supersaint7 (Saint1972)
pinoy_soldier (jonneymendoza)
Ash2097 (Ash2097)
HecFam (HecFam)
Crymoar32 (GeneralD)
The Chadd (Chadd)
Elbulus (elbulus)
Mutant Doctor (inam22)
Deano Rocko (Wyrdo)
Steedie (Steedie)
Gro187 (^187)
yipyipboo (yipyipboo)
Bobby McQuiff (Jono)
dahoodedclaw (Kokuten)
The1non1y1 (The1non1y1)
J4K3 M (J4K3 M)
rsachoc (lhw455)
Rosswani (R.O.S.S.I)
Mr Cookie73 (Mr.Cookie)
cu3edOCUK (cu3ed)
merlinthepike (mel d)
FlutteryChicken (MathewS)
Didzi (Didzi)
Stabbed Rat (Something Else)
Ur round next (Ur round next)
Spikecast (Spikey)
mastervalkia (Valkia)
cptn mongtard (alexthecheese)
Schnippzle (Schnippzle)
supercow79 (Supercow)
onfirealot (Guy)
Docaroo21 (Docaroo)
hazeybran (branddaly)
i kill bears (ikillbears)
Ziddy1232 (Jegethy)
Sku1ly (Skully)
Russinating (Russinating)
Witor53 (Witor)
DaRyL77 (dhill)
NE0REL0ADED (NeoReloaded)
The Buff Man (The Craig)
UberNaffa (Naffa)
TorchMT360 (Torch [P4])
Rybo89Lew05 (Rybo89)
anythingbut66 (anything-but)
RuMp3l4sk1n (RuMp3l4$k1n)
CCPriest (Priest)
Zippy Saturn (TimBrad)
soundb0y (soundb0y)
Pixelcrack (DailyGeek)
Tanklessrabbit8 (dave1983)

PS4 / PS3

Thesnipergecko (Thesnipergecko)
TruthofaliaR (RIZZEE)
SniperWolf1412 (K1LLSW1TCH)
scottypee (s-p)
muggs786 (muggs)
polynomial007 (ps3ud0)
iamdjdz (iamdjdz)
ukg0rd (gord)
Daviem66 (BF-Bert)
XeNoN89 (XeNoN89)
Alterash (Plainsong)
kalath1032 (kalath1032)
MrMoonUK (MrMoonX)
tony888t (tony888)
Psylevix (zenf)
beachboyken (beachBOYken)
ElWatcher (El_Watcher)
Shawreyboy (Shawreyboy)
Harper980 (G-MAN2004)
buzzin_nice (BUZZIN_NICE)
Presc13nt (Scrutinize)
Defrag0112 (Delboy)
JohnsonJackson (TripleT)
DeadKomodos (Winky_The_Winking_Turtle)
boroman1983 (peterattheboro)
Neil_J_UK (Snot man)
Simiad (Simi)
Satchey (ChEsTeH)
thedemonracer (tomparker95)
old_skooluk (The_One)
Lomaso (MrJohnSherry)
theboyrob (theboyrob)
SpinalXTX (Spinal2k2)
MrHabushi (TheVoice)
LoopyOrc (LoopyOrc)
kieranmarsh (kieranmarsh)
Tummy_owl (Tummy)
exrqccworker (joshsuperboy)
OcUK_mrk (mrk)
Pizzay (Gee)
jojothemonkey69 (jojothemonkey69)
daghoff (nantucket66)
meths (Meths)
Darren-79 (DJDaz)
markjrobbo (robbobloke)
dumbmayhem (dumbmayhem)
Painc1986 (Robert1986)
Davinnicus (Davinnicus)
Bhoya (Bhoya)
Nimdork (Nimdok)
Grimson85 (^JP^)
bloodiedathame (bloodiedathame)
Sunny0007 (Sunny0007)
schizophreniak (TheRealSchizo)
Cavallino78 (Cavallino)
DJ_Judas (antonusklesk)
fullfatty (Semiskimmed)
MachM82 (MachM)
XceptOneAlpha (DragonWoLf)
TheKnat (TheKnat)
PsychoSonny (Psycho Sonny)
mcbain444 (mcbain)
GTanny (GTanny)
Lucarocks92 (Lucarocks92)
ElliotReidMD (ElliotR)
tombrr (tombrr)
sormicoft (233)
nimrod1808 (lee1101)
xOmaeka (Omaeka)
Rhodri2311 (Rhodri)
robjf88 (robjf)
Tarqy83 (Tarqy)
blazing_giraffe (flinco)
Pablosplinter (Pighardia)
Gornall (Gornall)
MatDoSan (Mat)
MalcVFR (4T5)
morethanazazel (mike.grayizzle)
jimikill (postbox)
bossman_AL1985 (oulton)
calabitale (Calabi)
kaneSOT (Pearl Drummer)
Lomaso (MrJohnSherry)
RedDanDoc (RedDanDoc)
Jimmy_bhoy (sc(+)pe)
Tethias (Jengo)
l0wthertbh (FlapR)
Beenom (Beenom)
neodite (Neodite)
Dancula (Dancula)
stealthgeek (stealthgeek)
Deathjumps (Deathjumps)
TheTidusJar (tidusJar)
Ren_182 (Ren.182)
The__Malteser (The__Malteser)
Stivalmighty (stiv121)
Last edited:
It also effects the actual game, senses your urgency and shots and stuff when you are robbing stores.

So plenty of shouting at the TV :p
Ditto, I think it's a good move.

Not that I would have jumped into the MP first anyway, always like to do the missions first!
Okay all added to the list.

make sure you all add each other if you plan to play. don't sit there waiting for invites when online goes live when you've not added anyone :p
Are we going to have to add everyone to our PSN friends list or are we just going to use Social Club to bring us together?

Not everyone, just the ones you want to play with (I'm thinking R* will add a "invite social club members" option)

Can you remove emeradam001 please? I made a new account :)

PSN: DeadKomodos
Rockstar: Phant00m

Can't wait to play the MP!

No problem, done.

added myself. hope thats ok

That's fine.
Okay I'll get a hold of SS and see who we can kick out as not everyone on there is from here and well, that is BS. :p

Will add people and stuff later.
If I get time at lunchtime today I'll go through the list on here and kick people from the Crew who haven't put their names down. I can also make the Crew invite only so if people want to be added they'll have to post here first. It's the easiest way to make sure it stays as a proper OcUK crew.

Much appreciated mate,

When I looked the other night and it was at 259 members I knew something was up, we would have had people robbing us blind thinking they are all OcUK people, then bang. pop pop we all loose money lmao.

I'll add everyone who needs to be added to the list when needed (will check later)
It makes no difference.

If R* have implemented an invite system, it will only invite people to the console you are on anyway, and if they haven't you will have to add them manually anyway (the list is in op)
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