ohhh, one thing I do remember though and quite important this really and a plus for AMD (maybe?) There has been a couple of drivers in the last few years and forgive me if my memory is wrong but I am sure someone will remind me.... 12.11 was the big GCN driver that gave AMD's 7xxx a big boost in frames, that came out 10 months after the 7970 launch and showed what the 7970 was capable of. It smashed up the 680 in most games and was like a new card for those that had 7970s. Next came the Crimson drivers more recently and they gave the 2xx/3xx/fury series a nice boost that was similar to the 12.11 drivers. Now NVidia either have great optimisation from the off (I think this is the case) or they rarely bother with any optimisations and what you see is what you get. People claim that NVidia gimp divers but what they are missing is there isn't any gimping, it is AMD improving and giving their customers the performance they paid for.
Funny old world but I am trying as hard today as yesterday