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GTX 1070/1080 cost the same as 680/670 (after FX & inflation)

22 Oct 2012
Misquote you? Strawman? You were wrong, There is no misquote from me. You are just seem to be making stuff up, giving no real details, just words like Big Die Strategy, three chip Strategy.

I've given extensive details, over and over again. You keep misquoting, asking questions I've already answered and you never admit a point no matter how wrong you are. It's like discussing things with a 9/11 truther.
22 Oct 2012
True, but we need to account for inflation at the least and ideally also take into account exchange rates. Those things aren't Nvidia changing the pricing.
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22 Oct 2012
Giving a modest £15 value for each title, inflation/exchange rates doesn't remotely equate to a ~100% increase over what I paid.
You kind of need to compare release dates to release dates, as amongst other things the GPU makers bundle games to cards at later dates. As we at least all seem to agree on, 10 series prices will go way down over time.

Lmao at 60 being considered an enthusiast card by anyone or any website.

Thanks for the laughs in this thread philo-sofa.
You're entitled to your opinion, but if you're laughing at Anandtech's opinion you are probably not right.

Extensive details? you have given no details. What is wrong with you? Read back your posts and tell me how that explains anything? Come on, tell me, how is the 700 series a 3 chip strategy? You have give no details except to say that the GK110 was the point where they fractured the enthusiast market and started their 3 chip strategy. That's it, I keep asking you what's the 3 chip strategy, you won't answer. You just keep telling me that I misquoted you.

You have never answered any of my questions or pointed anywhere I was wrong. Apart from the 960 been an enthusiast card. It's not, that's why I wont admit I am wrong.

I've explained things endlessly, you're simply lying.
22 Oct 2012
Anyway, imo, your boat has more holes in it than you have fingers, reading around, the vast majority of Nv users don't agree with you, sounds like desperation of justification to me, if you bought into Pascal, just enjoy it.:)
Not exactly. As I said at the start the 10 series cost the same as the six series if you control for FX and inflation. There are no holes in that boat whatsoever. It's certainly an unpopular fact, but that's why I posted this thread.

The rest of this really is a side show based on my support for others saying that '60, '70 and '80 models have remained the same over time. I accept that's more ambiguous, but it's both off topic to the 600/10 series comparison and a complex situation.

LOL exactly this. His boat is full of wholes, what's even funnier is that he doesn't even realise he is sinking!!
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22 Oct 2012
At the end of the day, I suspect a small but vocal set of people here just really don't like finding out things they don't already know, particularly when it's not to their advantage. Using maths and considering what causes changes isn't being arrogant. If you want to complain about Nvidia's pricing being unheard of, or me pointing out that it's not what it seems, I can't fundamentally stop you. None of that changes the fact that it's incorrect to do so.
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22 Oct 2012
Of course you are going to tell me to shut up and deflect away from the discussion because you have no answers.

You woefully misrepresent what people say. That's pretty much the sum of what I'm saying to you. So go back OT, the 600 series costed about the same as the 10 series.
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22 Oct 2012
Some of it's true, some of it's a fabrication. He's been wrong about several things but there's no point actually trying to engage on facts as it just ends up being misrepresent. And none of it relates to the topic. But hey brilliant job on the bitchiness vietboy.

Also, I hear the 10 series doesnt cost any more than the 600 series.
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