This 660ti is a little troll. It comes in at a rubbish price and pushes up the price of the 670. Screw this generation of cards, just gonna wait till the next gen.
These cards are going for $299. So with VAT added on etc they should end up at around £225 in the UK. Retailers in the UK are whacking on a £25 premium, so as usual the UK retailers get greedy and just make the whole thing confusing as hell. Just price the damn card where it should be, at £230.
Only yesterday I found a competitor with a GB 670 windforce 3 for under £310, Gibbo warned that the 660 would be about £250, look further around, I think this is the launch price to make a good margin, very soon the 660 will drop and the 670 offers on here will return, if not shop elsewhere!.
I think we can expect price drops within 3 months.'as soon as the first gk110 card is launched, if it isn't totally high end we should expect the 660'to drop a bit. Then again the 560ti held its price well
Sitting it out, not being held to ransom with silly pricing, might expect it to be lower now for the cheek of trying to milk it so much.
What are peoples' thoughts about the cards from the perspective of someone who isn't upgrading but building a system from scratch? :)
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