Guess the film from the still

We have a winner!

Here you go....

It's best to take a screenshot from something you are watching. Much less chance of someone being able to reverse image search.

That's what i used to do, was quite active in this thread way back when i had lots of films on my PC. However I barely download a movie the 'naughty' way anymore and i'd be taking screenshots of my TV with my phone camera. :D
I think that's fine as long as the pic is clear?

For sure, but then i've got to fiddle with my phone, uploading to imgur, getting the link, posting to the thread. When I was yoinking screens off VLC it was a lot easier, plus i'm a lot lazier 7 years later :D

I also used to post a lot of stills i'd found online before the reverse search was such a big thing.
I though his gran torino house had a front porch, Southern/Louisiana style

I'm wondering pulp fiction, it's not Bruce's pad with travolta just about to buy it ?
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