Guide 2: How to create a combined Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 DVD

just one other thing. You can't use this for an inplace upgrade.

Say you had Server 2008 and installed this disc and wanted to upgrade to 2008 R2. It will moan that the required images are not present. By images, it actually means pictures.

I haven't tried the upgrade path from boot though.
just one other thing. You can't use this for an inplace upgrade.

Say you had Server 2008 and installed this disc and wanted to upgrade to 2008 R2. It will moan that the required images are not present. By images, it actually means pictures.

I haven't tried the upgrade path from boot though.

Updated OP with two new sections to deal with this:

- What you need to know (upgrade vs clean install)
- Step 5B
I finally got it to work. No message about it couldn't find the image. DVD is 4.37 GB

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how to club windows 7 and windows server?

Is it possible to club Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
in single DvD?
Is Upgradation posiible in this situation or i need to do clean installation?
if upgradation no possible then why not?

please give me the complete solution of clubbing?
what changes i have to do in your procedure?
Win 7, Server 2008 R2, and other projects

Late a couple of nights ago, I wanted to attempt to make a AIO containing Win 7 and Server 2008 R2, I figured out how to do this on my own, and couldn't get it to work, then I stumbled on this site last night. I basically already did what this site says to do, I got the DVD to boot, I could choose the OS I wanted to install, I figured out the image thing, and Server 2008 R2 installed just fine, however upon reboot is where the issue began. It acted as if it were booting, but then an error happened , I got a black screen with the error code 0x000022 or something of that nature, I can't exactly remember, I figure the Win 7 boot loader can't boot Server 2008 R2.

Has anyone else had this problem and got it fixed, if so please explain how you did it.

I am also working another project, I am wanting another DVD / Blu-Ray containing XP SP3, Vista SP2 (All versions), Win 7 (All varsions), Win Server 2003 R2 (All Versions), Server 2008 (R1) SP2 (All Versions), Server 2008 R2 (All Versions), and I am trying to figure out how to create an automated software install, I am sure some of you know what I am talking about, you know, where after your Windows installs, you get a menu and you can choose what software you want to install, such as Anti-Virus, Nero, Photoshop, etc...

I am not worried about disk space on the HDD, but the largest ISO I can burn is 25 GB.

Any help would be great.

Thanks all


Yes, it doesn't need to be made bootable as such. You build the AIO ISO as above:

Load it up in a virtual drive first of all. Next you need to prep your USB. There are a few ways to do this but this method works best for me:

Open up a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd)
Then, type: (pressing enter after each line)

List disk (a list of disks will be shown with a number next to it. Remember the number of your USB drive, for this example, mine is 1)
select disk 1
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=fat32 quick

Now, your USB is ready and will have a drive letter assigned to it (let's say its F: ). My virtual drive with my mounted ISO is E: for this example.

Now, Start>Run and type

xcopy E:\*.* /s/e/f F:\

and hit enter.

This will extract the iso to the USB drive and make it bootable. Then, you just need to boot from USB when you next fire up the PC :)
Thank you for the guide, Explicit. I had attempted to do this myself and didn't realise that you need to merge the licenses folder on the boot.wim as well as in the sources folder, now that I am aware of this requirement everything works flawlessly.
I thought I should mention that there is a GUI for the ImageX command line tool called GImageX. I found that it makes things easier when exporting images.
Sorry to bump the thread, but it's so good that I'm sure even more people will be able to use it now that SP1 is out.

And I have a question, regarding the clg files (Windows catalog files). I notice in Step 6 that you copy them over, but are they really needed (and are the ones for W7 really needed)? Best I can find is that they're used for unattended installations. Some Win7 AIO procedures even say to delete them, and I think they got that idea from this, which states that catalog files need to be recreated for custom images.

Another reason I don't think that they're used is because for W7, only half of the catalog files even exist in the AIO disk (just the retail x86 ones), and that doesn't seem to matter to the W7 x64 or W7 Enterprise installations from AIO, both of which don't have their clgs represented. I don't think the absence of the Server ones would matter to a server install either. It certainly doesn't hurt having them there, but they make me wonder.
Thanks explicit for putting up this user guide. I automated the whole thing in a batch script so that you don't have to manually run all the commands. Useful with the new Windows 8 coming out soon. Thought I share in case anyone else found it useful....

@echo off

set IMAGEXBIN="C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe"
set SEVENZIPBIN="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
set OSCDIMGBIN="C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\oscdimg.exe"

set WIN7X86ISO="..\en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677460.iso"
set WIN7X64ISO="..\en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677332.iso"
set WIN2K8ISO="..\en_windows_server_2008_r2_with_sp1_x64_dvd_617601.iso"

rem extract everything from the ISOs

rem let's gather the win7 64bit installers

%IMAGEXBIN% /export x64\sources\install.wim 2 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM x64"
%IMAGEXBIN% /export x64\sources\install.wim 3 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL x64"
%IMAGEXBIN% /export x64\sources\install.wim 4 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows 7 ULTIMATE x64"

rem let's gather the win server 2k8 installers

%IMAGEXBIN% /export Server\sources\install.wim 1 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows Server 2008 R2 SERVERSTANDARD"
%IMAGEXBIN% /export Server\sources\install.wim 2 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows Server 2008 R2 SERVERSTANDARDCORE"
%IMAGEXBIN% /export Server\sources\install.wim 3 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows Server 2008 R2 SERVERENTERPRISE"
%IMAGEXBIN% /export Server\sources\install.wim 4 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows Server 2008 R2 SERVERENTERPRISECORE"
%IMAGEXBIN% /export Server\sources\install.wim 5 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows Server 2008 R2 SERVERDATACENTER"
%IMAGEXBIN% /export Server\sources\install.wim 6 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows Server 2008 R2 SERVERDATACENTERCORE"
%IMAGEXBIN% /export Server\sources\install.wim 7 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows Server 2008 R2 SERVERWEB"
%IMAGEXBIN% /export Server\sources\install.wim 8 x86\sources\install.wim "Windows Server 2008 R2 SERVERWEBCORE"

rem copy the EULA for boot.wim

mkdir serverMount
%IMAGEXBIN% /mountrw Server\sources\boot.wim 2 serverMount

mkdir win7Mount
%IMAGEXBIN% /mountrw x86\sources\boot.wim 2 win7Mount

xcopy /E serverMount\sources\License win7Mount\sources\License

%IMAGEXBIN% /unmount /commit win7Mount

%IMAGEXBIN% /unmount serverMount

rmdir serverMount
rmdir win7Mount

rem copy the EULA for installing from within windows.

xcopy /E Server\sources\License x86\sources\License

copy Server\sources\install*.clg x86\sources\

del x86\sources\ei.cfg

rem create bootable disk

%OSCDIMGBIN% -lGRMCULFRER_EN_DVD -m -u2 -o -h -bx86\boot\ x86 Windows7and2008R2AIO.iso

rem cleanup afterwards, uncomment to run

rem rmdir /s x86
rem rmdir /s server
rem rmdir /s x64

If you like it or have questions, feel free to leave a comment on my blog.
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