Guild Wars 2

16 Mar 2010
Just started this as a thief. Not sure if I want to continue as the class seems like it's built for solo. Very few skills to help allies and all I seem to be doing is mashing the shoot button my pistol. Might start again. Anyone recommend a class that's really fun and good for later on as a team?
24 Nov 2011
Hey guys, on a warrior that is aiming for dual-wielding would you say Power or Precision is better?

I realize the game hasn't been figured out yet too much but I'd assume Precision with it's +Crit chance would be better than attack power? Kind of like WoW's DW fury warriors.
19 Oct 2005
Well I don't really understand all this overflow stuff I keep being dumped into, but so far I'm really enjoying this. Gradually getting to grips with the game's dynamics, good fun so far!

I was getting confused with it. I always thought i was being moved to an overflow but i just realised that you log into a Overflow and then get moved to your server when a slot becomes free...doi...

Think i may move server though.
18 Apr 2006
Well, after getting to level 15 I've come to the conclusion that Necromancers are boring as **** to play. I think the worst part is that it seems to class is based around group or PvP play with most abilities eithr relying on there being someone to support you or allies for you to draw conditions from, in solo PvE most abilities just don't really DO anything.

There is just so little veriety as well, it seems the only option for playing NEcro is conditions and conditions just don't do much of interest, MM is pointless due to weapon skills not complimenting them and minions in general being weak as ****. This isn't helped by the majority of Necro traits being complete garbage for 90% of builds.

Going to try something else for a while.

I'm only level 10 on my Nerco and I agree, compared to other classes it's very monotonous. Pets are useless, and your main skills seem very much PvP orientated as you say, which is fine but whilst questing it's all a bit dull.
1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Just started this as a thief. Not sure if I want to continue as the class seems like it's built for solo. Very few skills to help allies. Migth start again. Anyone recommend a class that's fun?

I tried thief, was fun, but yea. Wasn't that interested in it that much. Then played a elemental until level 8. Really enjoyed it but still, not for me.

Just started playing a guardian... a lot of fun :D Good damage, amazing survivability and a ton of ally helping skills.

It's going to be my main class I think.
22 Feb 2004
Well I don't really understand all this overflow stuff I keep being dumped into, but so far I'm really enjoying this. Gradually getting to grips with the game's dynamics, good fun so far!

Any MMO Server/World has a limit on how many players it can support. Previous to GW2 what most developers did was just include a queue system that put you in a queue to join the server.

This meant the server did not get overpopulate and cause performance issues but it meant you sat staring at the queue/login screen until you could play.

Overflow gets around this by placing you into the overflow servers. You can still play your game, level up, talk to friends (and group with them if the system is working) but it means you get clumped with people from other servers including other language servers so you have to put up with a bit of french/german in general chat

Overall I think it's great as it means you get to play rather than sit waiting to log in. Yes there are issues right now and it means sometimes you can't group with your guildies as the "join" option doesn't work but its better than not playing at all (in my opinion)
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