guildwars or guildwars:factions?

20 Jul 2005
i cant make my mind up which game to go for. it will be my first toe-dipping experience with this sort of game. ive heard mixed responces to this and im currently thinking about getting the first game but would like input about which one to get :)
Well put it this way.. if you want GW:Factions you still need GW to play it. So get GW then once you've finished tha buy Factions. ;)
BloodWolf said:
Well put it this way.. if you want GW:Factions you still need GW to play it. So get GW then once you've finished tha buy Factions. ;)
I've been told you don't need the original Guild Wars to play Guild Wars: Factions at all. :confused: Can someone please shed some light on this for me?
Factions is a standalone game thats a definite, although i'd recommend prophecies (first game) because it has a much better learning curve for noobies, and has a lot more help available online if you're stuck.

Plus its cheaper which is nice if you dont like it...less of a financial write off.

Oh and if you do get it join the godless, then give me a shout if you want some help.
BloodWolf said:
Well put it this way.. if you want GW:Factions you still need GW to play it. So get GW then once you've finished tha buy Factions. ;)

Bullcrap. Factions is standalone.

Personally, factions is better IF you're bored of the original, but original is bigger, better story, and you don't level to level20 in like 2 hours.
with factions you can have 2 more professions to choose from. plus i found that with factions you get spoilt with experience points and 1337 items...
cheers for the replies. im not too concerned about new content or extra stuff as it will all be new to me. im just after the best experience really.
ive seen both games for £17.99 so its not a toss up between price even. ive not seen the first game cheaper but if anyone wants to let me know of somewhere id be very grateful :D
Ahh my bad, GAME were selling the original for 9.99 a few weeks ago and loads of people here were posting about it.

Back up to old price now, first game is still a better experience though.
chimaera said:
Ahh my bad, GAME were selling the original for 9.99 a few weeks ago and loads of people here were posting about it.

Back up to old price now, first game is still a better experience though.
yeah went back up to 19.99 here
You can buy my copy off me i think its rubbish. So restricted and boring, you dont feel like you are fighting, rather like watching.

Plus didnt like the fact that you cant go anywhere, there are invisible walls.
i wasnt aware you could buy it 2nd hand as it made accounts for it etc?

i would rather buy it 2nd hand a bit cheaper especially as i dont know what its like :D
can anyone confirm if its possible to buy 2nd hand, is it like a steam account maybe? ive looked on the bay and couldnt find any used copies of it
If you were to get it second hand you'd need the login/pass of the original owner, you're right that you get a key to create an account with the game, valid for the one account only.
ok, so if i find one 2nd hand then, i must make sure ive got the account details. is it possible to start a brand new character for the game though? or would i have to continue the one already on the account?

also, how does GW compare to oblivion apart from being online obviously?
fullfat said:
ok, so if i find one 2nd hand then, i must make sure ive got the account details. is it possible to start a brand new character for the game though? or would i have to continue the one already on the account?

also, how does GW compare to oblivion apart from being online obviously?

You can delete all the characters on the account if you wish and start a new one, with prophecies you get 4 slots, with factions added you get an extra 2.

I've not actually played oblivion but i think they're a bit different, you can't go anywhere you want in guild wars as there are invisible barriers, but personally i dont think it detracts from the game, its only things like cliffs, in WoW you fall off and die, in GW you just cant walk off the edge, its not as if you walk down a pathway and hit some silly placed invisible wall.

GW is all about versatility, you can get up to 150 skills for your character but you can only use 8 at a time, and cant change in-mission. It makes it a lot more strategic, i'm regularly changing my monk to a pure healer if i'm in a party, or whip out my axe and damage spells if i'm on my own, its often a really tough decision to go with your set of 8, do i put more power into healing skills or axe damage? the good thing is you can make your character anything you like, then halfway through the game change him to something totally different at no penalty (like WoW).
BloodWolf said:
Sorry, im sure i read it needs it on case my bad :(

No Probs ;) My reply was a bit nasty... must have been tired :)

It is vastly different from oblivion in pretty much every shape or form, you can reallocate stat points in any outpost, you just click to attack and then use 1 of the 8 skills you're allowed to carry on you at any particular point etc.

It has turned for me into very much a pvp game, its much better that way than as single player.
so once youve done all the missions then it becomes a player.vs player game? just fighting with other people? forgive me but doesnt that get a bit boring?
badgermonkey said:
No Probs ;) My reply was a bit nasty... must have been tired :)

It is vastly different from oblivion in pretty much every shape or form, you can reallocate stat points in any outpost, you just click to attack and then use 1 of the 8 skills you're allowed to carry on you at any particular point etc.

It has turned for me into very much a pvp game, its much better that way than as single player.
np mate ;D might get factions when ive done gw's :D
fullfat said:
so once youve done all the missions then it becomes a player.vs player game? just fighting with other people? forgive me but doesnt that get a bit boring?

Well you do have to get all the uber weapons and armour which takes some time.

Then you've got the other 3 character slots to experiment with, its nice to be able to try out a new type, in a lot of MMO's i get bored with my original character, but since you've invested so much time its not easy to start afresh, GW its a lot easier, but then again that might not be to your liking.
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