guildwars or guildwars:factions?

i finally got the original GW, i thought if i liked it i can get factions in the future.
only thing now is im finding GW a bit empty, im thinking i need to join a guild and actually do some of the missions with live people rather than go with computer controlled characters, which ive been doing to try and get used to the controls etc.

basically im after some tips so i can start enjoying the game a bit more than i am doing, so any tips are very welcome :D

also, whats the highest level you can get to? as im a lvl9 character now :eek: and ive only been playing 2 days(10 hrs)
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The highest level is 20. I'm assuming you have not moved on to the next area yet (forgive me if I'm wrong), and without giving away any spoilers, you will suddenly find a hell of a lot people in Old Ascalon. The place is crowded to the max.
Ah right, dunno then. :D Whenever I am in-game, it's usually heading to Old Ascalon to sell stuff and all I can see is a sea of people. If you're looking for a guild, I am sure Godless (the OcUK guild) will be happy to take you. :)
Úlfhednar said:
If you're looking for a guild, I am sure Godless (the OcUK guild) will be happy to take you. :)

Of course :)

Stick a post on the forum (in sig) if you're interested. It's a much better game once you have a guild to help out!
original GW is better than factions defo, ive been playing through factions slowly but surely but it just isnt as gripping as regular GW
Sweetloaf said:
Of course :)

Stick a post on the forum (in sig) if you're interested. It's a much better game once you have a guild to help out!
I've been considering asking if I could join myself actually, hehe. You always seem eager to encourage people to do so. :) I never used to play much, but I'm recently getting "into" it again, and my old guild (of RL friends) has disbanded. :(
Úlfhednar said:
I've been considering asking if I could join myself actually, hehe.

You are more than welcome, you know where to click :)

I'm at work all day today, a post on the forum should get picked up by an officer.
Sweetloaf said:
You are more than welcome, you know where to click :)

I'm at work all day today, a post on the forum should get picked up by an officer.
Thanks, I'll give it a think. Think is I have a lot less free-time than I used to, sigh, so it might not be worth bothering. :(
Úlfhednar said:
Think is I have a lot less free-time than I used to, sigh, so it might not be worth bothering. :(

Don't worry about it, play as and when you can. We have a 4 weeks of inactivity and out policy but even then a reinvite is no problem if you decide to play again. Might as well have a look :)
is this game dangerously short or something?
im already at lvl 10 and ive been told theres a 20lvl limit :eek:

ive only been playing 15 hours and i thought there was a lot more to it than that really and im just starting to get into it without the thought of it ending :(
ive done a few missions with other people now, ive joined a small guild right now, but there only seems to be one active player right now so ill probably join the godless at a not too far off later date :D
Most people would say the game only begins at level 20, even if it's the cap. level, and don't forget that Guild Wars is mainly aimed toward PvP play.
is it? i didnt know :p
im a newbie to the genre and im only just getting used to the lingo! ive only just found out what LFP means :D
fullfat said:
ive done a few missions with other people now, ive joined a small guild right now, but there only seems to be one active player right now so ill probably join the godless at a not too far off later date :D

we have 16 on line at the min which is quiet for us with 49 having played in the last 24 hours.

The game doesn't end at Lvl 20 btw :) I've been playing for over a year :D

Úlfhednar said:
Guild Wars is mainly aimed toward PvP play.

Oh yeah :cool:
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