Gunk buildup

7 Jul 2004
Ok, built my water cooling setup a year ago now:

I used Fluid XP Ultra+

Now I have a lot of yellow gunk in my loop. I can see it is in the res and coated the inside of the tubes. I can't see any in my blocks which is good (nice having clear blocks) and I don't know if there is build up in my rads or not. I really hope not as that will make a lot of work/money wasted on new rads.

So I would just like advise on what to do...

I plan to change the tubing and have already ordered more
Clean the res
Open pump and make sure it's clean
Change fluid

I have enough Fluid XP to use it again but obviously I don't want to. What fluid would you recommend? Shall I just use distilled water and Biocide? Also should I flush my rads and would this make a difference or should I just leave them? If flushing wont make a difference is there anything I could flush them with that would?
I originally used Feser with red dye, even after several flushes and only using distilled water I kept getting cloudy tubing due to residue left over from the Feser (probably inside the radiator).

I got a new radiator and reservoir in the end and don't get clouding anymore, you'll be fine using distilled water but might clouding like I did.
Flush the rads out with DI water and white vinegar. once you done that for a couple of hours then use normal di water to rise out again.This will clean them out well.
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