GW2 Worlds EU Register your guild + Server!

27 May 2007
Guild name: -The Immortals-
Server: Desolation
Game type: PvX (PvX = PvP+PvE)
Web site:
Voip: Mumble
email: [email protected]
Contacts on website:
Blounty Co Leader
Sengar* (main recruitment officer)
Dist (on ocuk as Dist) (Senior Guild Officer)
Nemeses(on ocuk as wab)
Our GW2 recruitment Video
Can we please try stick to this layout then I will copy and paste all guild info to the OP
Guild name: Lords of England
Server: Whiteside Ridge
Game type: PvX
Web site:
Voip: TeamSpeak3

Guild name: DooM
Server: Desolation
Game type: PvP
Web site:
Voip: TS3
Contacts on website:
Leaders: Tashohnie and Luxie
Guild name: Mint
Server: Far Shiverpeaks
Game type: PvX
Web site:
Voip: TeamSpeak3
Guild name: Tsunami
Server: Gandara
Game type: Focus on sPvP
Web site:
Voip: Mumble
Contacts on website:
Leaders: NovaBlue and JazzaBox
Guild name: XSGamers (Guild name to be confirmed)
Server: Desolation
Game type: PvX (PvX = PvE+PvP+RvRvR)
Web site:
Voip: Teamspeak3
Email: [email protected]
Contacts on website:
Gaz (Admin) (Gazanimal on OcUK)
Scott (Co-Admin)
Bas (Co-Admin)
Guild name: Harmless
Server: Desolation (may change)
Game type: PVX
Web site:
Voip: Mumble

EU Worlds
•Fissure of Woe
•Ring of Fire
•Far Shiverpeaks
•Petrified Forest
•Jade Sea
•Magus Falls
•Whiteside Ridge
•Fort Ranik
•Ruins of Surmia
•Sharp’s Corner
•Aurora Glade
•Elona Reach
•Augury Rock
•Abaddon’s Mouth

Get a list of all guilds on here that will be in GW2.

This way we can try get as many OcUK related guilds on the same server.

We can then form a few solid PvP alliances.
World PvP and dominance in it, will be a major in this game, it pretty much impacts on the entire server and all activities, be they PvP or PvE.

Lets keep all the recruitment spiel to our own websites or in a main Guild Wars 2 thread so it does not interfere with the guild list.

Try stick to one layout so its easier for people to wade through.

I will update this post with every guild that puts their info here, rather get this in early unlike with swtor where we did this 1 or 2 months into the game. We need to keep all the guild info to a short message otherwise it becomes unmanageable.

Wab (aka Nemeses)

NB Please only post if you have a guild and would like to add it to the list and form a alliance once in game
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All updated, surly there are a few more guilds than this with links to OcuK, also the guilds that have already chosen servers, are these written in stone, because it would be beneficial to us all if we can get a few on the same server.

We could then even form a Umbrella OcuK alliance where maybe 2 people per guild sit on and run equally, say only requirement is 2 weeks into game must have 20 in the guild?
Bump for a) people looking for a guild, or guilds who want to add to this list.

Also have a look and add your guilds to this, and if you guys on Desolation want to we can form a alliance, call it Ocuk Alliance :p

Have gone ahead and created a alliance called OCuK, every guild that joins if any :p, each guild leader will be given what ever admin rights there are, not sure there is a lot right now, but if it works and looks worth it we could always set up a separate forum (not tied to any one guild) for cross chat when required.

Once Up work along the rules that every guild leader and deputy, has 1 vote so that everyone is equal, maybe set it that guilds to have their 2 votes need to have at least 20 people in the guild. I think WvWvW pvp could end up being very competitive in this game as there seem to be a few largish alliance already!

Note: will post this in the main guild wars forum on here as well, we may very well find we have no use for one, but if we do, not a bad idea to get the groundwork in now.
Any form of feedback, i.e worth pushing or not interested would be nice, so at least we have a idea where we stand.

And erm any chance a mod can let us know if its OK to use OcUk as a alliance name?
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I registered 10 hours ago and I am still waiting for the confirmation email:rolleyes:

There is a site issue we looking into why it will send the email auto for some people but not for others, strange one :(, only started failing about 10 days ago, first thought it was just a blimp but there is obviously a issue :(

I have seen yous and set it resend the email, if you don't get it just drop me a post or a email at [email protected] and I will activate it for you.
what happens if Desolation is full? how can we join and play with u in Desolation ?

No server will ever be full, thats the reason for the overflow, they Will I guess just increase the overflow to whats required, what I guess we could see in the first month is players spending a lot of time on the overflow servers, which make no difference to the game.

Then as things settle down as it does with all new mmo's people will start being more on the main Desolation server, rather than the overflow.

As servers stand now with guilds (remember this is not all the guilds just the ones who use this site), but I'm guessing its a vast majority of them.
EU Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 7 0
EU Augury Rock [FR] 15 0
EU Aurora Glade 12 0
EU Blacktide (unofficial Russian/Polish server) 13 0
EU Boreal Station 27 0
EU Desolation (unofficial UK server) 78 3 So thats means 78 guilds with 3 alliance.
EU Elona Reach [DE] 12 1
EU Far Shiverpeaks (unofficial Dutch/Scandinavian server) 64 6
EU Fissure of Woe (unofficial Italian server) 14 0
EU Fort Ranik [FR] 30 1
EU Gandara (unofficial UK server) 50 2
EU Gunnar's Hold 10 0
EU Jade Sea [FR] 25 2
EU Kodash [DE] 10 0
EU Lakeside County 8 0
EU Piken Square (unofficial RP server) 8 0
EU Ring of Fire 16 3
EU Riverside [DE] 16 1
EU Ruins of Surmia (unofficial Spanish server) 22 1
EU Seafarer's Rest 25 2
EU Umbral Grotto 6 0
EU Undecided 141 2
EU Underworld 21 1
EU Vabbi 12 2
EU Whiteside Ridge 29 0
I'm sure I read somewhere that if a world is listed as heavy (or whatever their highest pop threshold is described as) then it doesn't allow you to create a character on the world unless you already have a character there.

It could have just been that was a side effect of a bug or a limitation that ArenaNet imposed for the beta weekends though as I can't find anything official on that.

This could be true, but I think as a guild we should hopefully be ok, hope you all have head start :)

Added: We may shut down recruitment for a while as we picked up so many more players than anticpated and seems like almost all the old ones are coming back as well :p
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Overflow only works if your already on the server, e.g you selected Desolation and if there's many people on you go to overflow, however if you are first time selecting a home server you wont be able to join it because it will say it's full. It's for that reason I'm probably going to choose a different server, Desolation is a popular choice and will constantly jam packed, will be a constant pain for queues.

I'm not sure about this, I just goggled it and could not find a definitive answer, in fact could not find any thing to support it at all really, well unless I missed it, which knowing me is very probable, so if you got a links backing this up or explaining how it will work, will be much appreciated!

And I mean the full server bit as I know how the overflow works.

And it will not be constant pain with ques that the reason for the overflow server, to make sure there are not queues!

I have found threads like this: which are a tad stupid IMO as the game still in beta, yes if this does become a big issue once the game is out then these guys have a right to bitch, but seems a tad premature, tho on the plus side I have always said if you don't bitch early on, there is no incentive for them to change!
Did find this post will quote the relative bit from GW2 Dev's from their blog.
Fewer Worlds, More Fun
As you’ll see, there will be fewer worlds available initially than we had during BWE2. Why do we have fewer worlds for a much larger beta event? There are a few different reasons for this, ranging from being able to have a larger player limit on all worlds, to a shift in focus for how we utilize our server power.

Many of you may remember our blog post prior to BWE2 that mentioned how we had acquired a ton of new servers in order to support the number of players we expected.

As our esteemed Lead Server Programmer Dr. Stephen Clarke-Willson put it recently, “Quite frankly, we made too many worlds for BWE2 just because we could and not because we should, and thus we had a lot of low population worlds. This time around we’re focusing our new CPU horsepower into fewer, more populated worlds.”

It’s no secret that worlds with low populations just aren’t as much fun to play on (or against), so we’re focused on getting higher populations on each of our worlds to improve the experience for all beta players.

As I mentioned, we’ve been able to greatly increase the maximum player capacity for each server. We’ve been able to do this partially because we’ve opened up a number of new playable areas with the addition of the sylvari and asura as playable characters. We expect that we will increase our capacity again when we launch and the rest of the game areas will be available. There have also been several general technical improvements made by our incredibly talented programming team that have positively impacted the entire game and let us raise our world population limit even higher.

Don’t worry, we’ll be closely monitoring our world populations this weekend and can quickly launch new worlds as needed should problems arise with our new population limits. Our server tech is now able to raise or lower population caps with some very simple changes that don’t require us to take the game down. This lets us adjust world populations based on how the servers react and you won’t even have to leave the game!
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Any requirements wab for joining the immortals?

I'm on pre-order and will be wanting a guild to call home during my time back in Ascalon.

Nope if you from here you get straight into the guild, if not from here its recruit, then 2 weeks in game before you moved up.
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