Gym Adventures with GiraffePencils

-------Thursday Update-------

Flat freeweight press:
10 reps (25kg dumbbell in each hand)

10-6-3 reps (30kg dumbbell in each hand)

6-7 reps (20kg dumbbell in each hand)

Inclined Freeweight press:
9-6 reps (20kg dumbbell in each hand)

2*10 reps (15kg dumbbell in each hand)

Standing shoulder lift:
10-8reps with 10kg dumbbells
2*10reps with 7.5kg dumbbells

Sideways dumbbell lift:
3*5reps with 10kg dumbbells
2*10reps with 7.5kg dumbbells

Forward dumbbell lift:
3 * 10reps with 10kg dumbbells

Seated shoulder lift machine(wide arms):
15-10-7 reps at 20 Kg

Seated shoulder lift machine(close in arms):
7 reps at 20 Kg
10-9 reps at 17 Kg

Vertical Tri Dips:
8-5-4 reps

Pull ups, palms in, close grip:
5-5-3 reps
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-------Friday Update-------

Goblet squat:
3*15 (holding 25 kg)

Bulgairan split squats:
3 sets of 10 reps (Holding 12.5 kg)

Single leg Romanian deadlifts:
3*10 (holding 12.5kg)

Nordic curls:
A gym machine update was happening, I didn't have room for nordic curls

Leg Curl maching
3*10 (17kg)

Calf raises (off a ledge):
1*20 (standing calf raise, Both feet).
1*16 (standing calf raise, Left leg only).
1*16 (standing calf raise, Right leg only).

Pull ups, palms in, close grip:

Press ups, raising one leg on the down.
-------Saturday Update-------
Long run, to help the marathon training.

Distance: 16.89km
Time: 1:29:04
Pace: 5:16/km

-------Monday Update-------
Easy run, semi-tapering for sunday's half marathon.

Distance: 6.76km
Time: 38:23
Pace 5:41km

Running with people at work, pretty easy pace, probably what I want to be doing.
-------Tuesday Update-------

Pull ups, Wide arms:
5-4 reps

Pull ups, palms out:
5-3 reps

Pull ups, close grip palms in:

Seated row machine:
3 * 10 reps (38kg) both arms

Seated row machine:
3 *10 reps (20kg) right only

Seated row machine:
3 * 10 reps (20kg) left only

Pull down Machine:
10-10-9 (65.5kg) both arms
10-10-10 (28kg) right only
10-10-9 (28kg) left only

dumbbell good mornings:
3 * 20 reps 12.5kg

Flat freeweight fly:
10-10-9 reps (20kg dumbbell in each hand)

Flat 'Skullcrusher':
15-10-10 reps (20kg dumbbell)
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-------Wednesday Update-------
Out in the cold for a run:

Distance: 10.02km
Time: 46:24.0
Pace: 4:38/km

Calf felt a bit sore, getting compression sleeves, see how they help.
-------Thursday Update-------

Flat freeweight press:
10 reps (25kg dumbbell in each hand)

10-6-3 reps (30kg dumbbell in each hand)

7 reps (25kg dumbbell in each hand)

Inclined Freeweight press:
4 reps (25kg dumbbell in each hand)
10-6 reps (20kg dumbbell in each hand)
10-10-10 reps (15kg dumbbell in each hand)

Standing shoulder lift:
10-10-7reps with 10kg dumbbells

Sideways dumbbell lift:
3*5 reps with 10kg dumbbells
2*20 reps with 5kg dumbbells

Forward dumbbell lift:
10 reps with 10kg dumbbells
10-10 reps with 7.5kg dumbbells

Seated shoulder lift machine(wide arms):
10 reps at 20 Kg

Vertical Tri Dips:
10-5-4 reps

Pull ups, palms in, close grip:
10-3 reps

really tired today, pulled something in my shoulder, around the scapula.
Not the best day
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-------Monday Update-------
Well, long time no update.

When I said I pulled something in my shoulder, I wasn't wrong!
Bed ridden for 2 days unable to move then a week off doing anything due to the pain!!
was terrible.

so this week is continued no weights.
I don't want pain like that again!!

Some updates,
Sun 6th: Ran half marathon;
Time 1:42

Hill runs, 4 km up, 4 down.
Distance: 8.46km
Time: 41:51
Pace: 4:57/km
-------Tuesday Update-------

Now my back is still a bit sore,
so really I'm thinking no weight this week, or maybe next week either.

so Today was 15mins eliptical
15 mins static bike
15 mins mixed abs (on back, leg lifts, scissor kicks etc)

Can't say I'm greatly happy about it, but got stuff done :)
Hey anyone who may have read this etc.
After my back got better I moved on to mainly running to train for the marathon, after a leg destroying 3hrs 30min & 26s finish I've moved back to the gym and decided recently to shake up my training style.
You can follow my new adventure in a different thread here
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