Gym Workout Guide Required

26 Aug 2005
Hi guys,

Started the gym a few days ago and my aim is to bulk up and get rid of some fat. I've seen people post their routinue and was wondering if you would recommend me one along with how to perform the exact workout. Was thinking Monday, Wednesday, Friday and maybe Sunday workouts.

Thanks - be gentle :)
To get the rather obvious question out of the way first, have you had a look at GordyR's excellent sticky at the top of the forum? If not I'd suggest having a read through it as it is very comprehensive.

What sort of equipment does your gym have and what is your diet like?
semi-pro waster said:
To get the rather obvious question out of the way first, have you had a look at GordyR's excellent sticky at the top of the forum? If not I'd suggest having a read through it as it is very comprehensive.

What sort of equipment does your gym have and what is your diet like?

Certainly did read it.

In terms of gym equipement, pretty much everything. Diet has improved, more fruit, less fatty foods.
Heres my all round routine as recommended by styles

Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

Flat Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Skull Crushers – 3x8 (similar to lying tricep extensions)
Close Grip Bench Press – 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8
Calf Raises

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 3x8
Bent Over Barbell Rows – 3x8
Pull ups or Pull Downs, alternate week to week also change from wide to close grip etc 3x8
Barbell Bicep Curl -3x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8
Calf Raises

Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 3x8
Dumbbell Lunges – 3x8
Calf Raises-4x10

for vids on excersises
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