Had many off's ?

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Deleted member 61728

Deleted member 61728

In your motorcycle career how many off's,accidents or close shaves with dr dead have you had,what lessons have you learned from them?
Training day before test, went over the top of a car, she went through a red light.
pulled a skid and got chucked off
Bumped started it, jumped on bike and hit a bus indicator and came off.
Round a blind corner hit wet patch and slid off.

Last three, just young and stupid. Nothing more than minor grazes and ego bashing so far.
Since taking it back up, nothing to report. A few close calls with other peoples stupidity. Like someone losing controll on the motorway and almost taking me out.
When i was about 21 some idiot thought it be funny to slam on infront of me causing me to also slam on making me loose front end of the bike I came off, the car behind that was far too close swerved and her bumper hit me on the head. Got took to hospital but was later discharged as i only had a sprained ankle and a few cuts..

But the worse part was the bike, when i was finally let out of hospital and i managed to get in touch with a man with a van to collect the bike for me. We arrived at the crash site and it had gone. Some cheaky bugger had stolen it.. :(

It was a Silver (Year 2000) Aprillia RS125 my first ever bike on finance and i loved it. Never been same on a bike since if im honest And im now 31 lol
1. 125cc - day after cbt I went out for a ride, pulled out of a T Junction, forgot to lean and went straight across hitting the opposite curb and ended up in a bush.

2. 125cc - slid off at 5 mph on a corner covered in black ice approaching a T Junction.

3. 125cc - going around a tight right hander a car overtook me and cut me up due to oncoming traffic forcing me into a dusty patch, front wheel skidded and hit curb, I went flying in to a nice soft grassy field at 30mph minus bike.

4. 125cc - rear tyre went bang and fishtailed to a stop.

5. 125cc - early morning, dark, small backroads, hit diesel or mud at about 25mph coming up to a sharp left hander, grazed knees from inner material and bruised.

6. 500cc - practising tight slow turns in a car park and handle bar caught my knee and I dropped it at about 2 mph.

7. 500cc - pulled into works car park, 5mph hit diesel patch and ended up on my back wonder what the hell happened.

8. 500cc - pulling into works car park, indicated, slowed, began to turn left, car hit me rear left side at about 10 mph.

9. 500cc - oil filter snapped off (full lean, new filter was slightly taller than it should have been) at 20 mph on a roundabout oil covered rear tyre, skidded out but kept bike upright, switched engine off... and hopefully when I get the new oil filter this week which is the exact size it should be I will find I have not damaged the engine :D

What have I learnt?

Be wary of diesel and ice, they are not nice.
Drivers of other vehicles are out to kill you.
Coming off hurts no matter what speed your going at.
Be more bloody careful.
Don't trust all mechanics regarding alternative oil filters.
My staying upright skills are now pretty damn good.
How to fix my own bike :D
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1) Medium off, came off on a bend after giving it a right good lean, hit a ton of dirt mid bend which a lovely farmer had obviously left behing. High sided, went head first into the verge, saw my legs fly past me, thought that was it. Finally came to a stop about 20 meters later, I scrambled up, fell back down and couldn't move. 20 mins later, got up, after being nursed by a police woman off duty who saw the whole thing and even said I wasn't going that fast and wouldn't mind telling my insurance that! Nursed the bike home.

2) HUGE off, very close to kicking the bucket, came off on a roundabout after show boating to my mates on how to get knee down. Cranked over too much, low slided. Hit the pavement with my shoulder, slid and missed he pillar holding up the M4 above us by cm's. followed the bike, which dug in no more than 2 foot from where my mate was stood. Ambulance had to treat him for shock! Not suprised after seeing my come off at 90+ an the bike hurtling towards him at 80+!!! That hurt, a lot, bike totalled, so was I... Nothing broken but skin ripped off even under leathers from the slide. I got very drunk that night. Was lucky to be alive.

3) sat at a red light, shunted by a BMW driver... "Sorry, didn't see you". Great, rear wheel buckled in, my shoulder and neck have never been right since.
I've had 1 crash on the roads, car came from my left on a mini-roundabout straight into the side of me, her response 'I saw him but thought I had enough time', broken femur and a few other bits but not really life threatening.

Other than the odd nutjob driver that's been it for the roads, I then started racing and been down the track 7 times so far, only injury being a fairly minor broken wrist when I was rolling across the grass after coming off and stupidly tried to stop myself rolling...
125, pulled out of a junction and fell off, still no idea what the hell happened...
400, locked the front wheel in the wet, was filtering, merging into traffic, so looked over my shoulder, looked up, biker infront of had stopped and I fell off.
400, locked the front wheel in the dry (car had stopped infront of me on a slip road as I was looking at the road we were joining) and fell off.
600, pulled out infront of a coach (misjudged its speed), panicked, gassed it, rear slipped out and fell off.

Couple of broken bones and ribs to report but no blood loss.

Close shaves? Lots, I commute from London to Kent. So I get suicidal pedestrians and pheasants daily. Worst was last year on the A3, was coming up to a set of lights doing about 40, a taxi pulled straight out infront of me, I swerved to avoid him, narrowly missed but can still remember hearing the engine note of the taxi in my right ear as I just got past him. ****
i fell off my 125 last christmas on my way to work, 3 TIMES!

first was going around a roundabout, faster than i should have been and back end just went. Bike was fine! got up and carried on.

30 yards on in the car park, very icey one at that, doing about 5 mph, turning left and bike slipped from underneath me, snapped my clutch !

20 yards from that, where i park, stopped still to park, and boom. It went over again!

Couldnt belive it lol, few nice bruises but was ok, still managed to work that day too! :P

Fortunatly, no accidents on my fazer so far!
1 off, the day I got my first bike after passing my test haha. A GSXR600 k7... wound it up to the redline in 1st and panicked.. then target fixated onto a bush and ended up diving into it at 30mph :D

Not been off since.. that was 4 years ago.
1 off, 2mph turning left off a fairly minor road onto a side street, I had only just set off from being parked up, went round the corner in 1st gear so too much revs, gravel on the corner bike skidded away from me, I hit my hip quite hard, slight skuff on my kevlar jeans + a skuff on the luggage rack and engine crash bars of my africa twin. Felt like a complete idiot as it was the road I grew up on for 20 years so I knew there was gravel there!! All good though, learnt from it. 2nd gear on 90degree corners :)
The closest I came to death was at the end of my road. Braked on wet leaf, and went into the main road. Not far. Just enough so that a couple of seconds earlier and I would have been smashed to bits by an artic. Made me think.
1. Fazer 600, Outside the London planetarium - very wet. BMW braked in front of me, had loads of room but a diesel slick popped out from under him, my front wheel hit it and washed out and I slid down the road on my arse. Ground crash bung, no damage, hole in my textile trousers.

2. Speaking to a bloke in a bike bay on the fazer, wished him the usual "ride safe" then pulled away with my disc lock on. Bike came to a clattering halt and went over on the right. Lucky not to take the entire line of the bikes in the bay out. Damaged ego, new front caliper.

3. CB1000R. Came out of a T junction, bike seemed to partially stall. Felt like it was running on one cylinder so I half clutched in then upped the revs and it went to full power throwing me off the back and propelling it down the road where it fell over then flipped around on full throttle smashing itself to pieces. Happend twice more once in hammersmith and another in fulham but i knew what to do so didnt loose it (Clutch in switch it off). Was an intermittent problem with the bike. Chiswick honda could not find the fault and after a lot of arguing with Honda UK eventually gave up and got rid of it. Turned out a few years later was a problem with the ecu/battery, probably due to additional heated grips and sat nav meaning the ecu was not getting enough power. A better battery would have sorted it, but hey ho.

Nothing since then.


1. Watch out for diesel when wet.
2. Buy a luminous yellow wiggly thing when using a disc lock.
3. Don't buy a new Honda as they will refuse to help you when there is a problem their diagnostic machine cannot identify, despite evidence that there is a problem. (they spent 6 months basically calling me a liar).
Non but a near miss.

Went through a farmers field road which leads onto a T junction that's a 50mph road. Before arriving at the T junction, there is a road on the right which leads to the T junction, a car driven by an old women didn't bother to look left, so I had to swerve nearly hitting the kerb and slammed on the brakes. Stupid cow.
No crashes worth mentioning.

The ammount of times dick head lorry drivers have looked at me coming towards them at speed on the A5 and decided to pull out in the slowest time possible anyway beggars belief though.

Luckily I've always managed to break in time or squeeze past them and give them the middle finger.
This morning a woman drove out from a side road, looked but carried on. First time I have felt the ABS kick in fortunately I didn't come off or hit anything.

I hit a tram line and the bike went one way and me the other at very low speed! Just damaged pride!
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