Had many off's ?

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1980: rode my first bike ( Suzuki AP50 ) into the back of a car, because i was too busy ogling this lass on horseback, who had the most amazing jodhpur clad bum. :D

1981: wrote off my first 250, a BSA C15, after a car turned across my path at a junction, broke my left arm & crushed my right hand suffering nerve damage in the process, managed to write the car off as well!.

1983: High sided my Yammie RD250DX on the Kegworth slip road as it joins J24 of the M1, trashed the bike, flattened the tank, speedo, left hand footpeg, right hand exhaust, seat, indicators, & i was down for the count for a good 3 mins. ide only had the bike 10 days!.

1991: Trashed my GSX1100, old duffer in a car pulled out of a side road, i stood on the brakes, swerved, & lost the front end. broke my left arm in 2 places that time ( wrist & elbow ).

2007: Dropped my ZRX1200 after getting tangled up in a police chase going up Wilford hill in West Bridgford, i could hear sirens, but couldn't work out where they were coming from, then this white van came hooning over the crest of the hill on my side of the road, surrounded on all sides bar the front by a herd of police cars, wound up rolling of the bike onto the pavement.
Luckily ide scrubbed most of the speed off so no damage to me bar a sprained thumb, & minimal damage to the bike.
To many in my case. Not had any for a fair old while though (touches every bit of wood near by). Some of the noteworthy ones :D

ZX6R - 1st bike

  • Old driver decided to stop in the middle of a junction after pulling out, cue me going into the back of him, flew over his roof and landed in front of his car. I was fine, bike was a bit twisted at headstock.

  • Hit black ice 3 times on one journey to work one winter, all low speed ones, again, no damage to me.

  • Touched front brakes to slow for lights, diesel on the road, cue me sliding down the road, lucky not run over by other traffic but again I was fine.

R1 - 2nd bike

  • Thought i was getting good at wheelies, sadly I was wrong. Cue being called flipper for the next 3 years.

  • My first major off and the one that mangled my ankle. Rode over a manhole cover on a cold damp night when going round a bend. High sided it, mate behind me said I flew about 8 foot up in the air, when I landed I broke my collarbone. Then the unlucky bit, I was lay knocked out next to a curb, the bike was still sliding. Slid right into me, crushing my ankle into the iron curb. Took a while to get over this one, nearly lost my leg, bed ridden for 9 months. 2 plates and around 9-11 pins, 2 bone grafts. Can’t run and still gives me jip, next to no movement in it. :mad:

  • Track day low side, was blasting around Oulten, as the day went on I was grinding more and more of the footpegs away. Eventually on 1 corner I must have leant over just a tad to much as the can and peg dug in, lifted my rear wheel and I slid off. I mad the schoolboy error of thinking I had stopped when I was still moving. Put my hands down. When I stood up and dusted myself down I looked at my hand, little pinky was pointing 90 deg to one side at the middle joint. While the adrenaline was still pumping I tried my best to pull it straight. Went docs after as was clearly still not right. Had some crazy little Mexican doctor hanging off it trying to pull it straight. He then wanted to pin it but after waiting 6 hours to find what they were going to do I just left the waiting room. Stupid as it didn’t heal properly and is now a crooked old mess.

  • Last one and another painful one. Again my own daft fault. I had left my trackday slicks on. Just nipped on the bike to go round my dads which is 2 miles away. I remember going round a corner, cold tyres must have let go as I remember sliding and thinking this is gonna hurt. Next thing I know I wake up in hospital. Eyebrow split wide open and half my arse missing. This was the first and last time I ever ride a bike in jeans. Half my arse must have been left on the road. It took months to heal and was so bloody painful as you are always sitting down. Bit peeved about the gash to the head. I must have hit something when I slid off, the lid was a mess and had a big impact mark on the brow of the lid, that must have just bust my face open on impact.

That last one was prob around 5-6 years ago. Haven’t had an accident since as I have calmed down a great deal as I get older. It’s pretty scary just how much I’ve mangled myself for the sake of love of biking. Writing it down like these really does make me think, which isn’t a bad thing as it will only make me more careful.
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Jesus kidloco, you make biking sound dangerous :D haha. You're still here to tell the tale mate, that is the main thing.
125cc - didn't lean enough round a corner (too fast for my ability) and went wide. Nothing was coming the other way but it scared me to slow down...for a bit.

600cc - Filtering past staionery traffic on the M3 between lanes 2 and 3 due to a major accident up ahead. I had been filtering for an eternity as it was backed up for miles and not one car had moved as there was no where to move. Until... a car decided to pull out sort of in between the two lanes to get a look up ahead to see if they could see anything. She stopped in between 2 and 3 completely blocking my path. It was soaking wet. I slammed the anchors on literally never stopped quicker in my life. I was waiting to have an accident, eyes out on stalks as I fish tailed down the motorway trying to keep it pointing straight and dodging the other stationery vehicles. I stopped inches away from this old dear in their car. Their reaction. They didn't even notice me. :( Other drivers looked at me thinking..OMG you lucky mother. :) I had to sit their revving my bike at this old (deaf) dear for her to gtfo the way. I should have been going slower admittedly, but hey.

600cc - 60mph off down a back road. Went wide miss judging a corner, lost the front momentarily which put me even further wide, fear set in and I panicked and sat it up putting me even further wide (when I could have just gritted teeth, bent her over and throttled on) clipped grass verge, lost the back and came off sliding down tarmac beside my bike sparking for a good hundred yards. Got up and my hands felt like they were on fire from the friction burns. Was fully leathered and kitted up so just bruising. The main issue was where I went wide I was literally a couple of foot from a massive tree and wire mesh fence with concrete posts.
I sold the bike that Autumn as I have family and couldn't justify keeping it and two cars financially.
1st road bike - CBR600FV
lasted few months before i highsided and destroyed it - rebuilt it using race fairings and ingenuity (LED rear lights ;) ) and then wrote it off again - 110mpg at gerrards bend mallory. rebuilt and sold....
got banned and 9 points so went racing...
2 championships later load of class and race wins and 14 crashes later (including an all mighty 160mph crash which destroyed the bike!!).

then 2nd road bike - Aprilia RSV Mille. Lasted few months before i technically died 3 times, broke at least 15 bones that i know off and punctured both lungs and a 6 month free lodging and meals lol.

Then went racing again and first time out racing i embarrassingly crashed and broke my wrist again. :( so humiliating. :(

Never been on a bike since. So that's.... 18 crashes?

Yes - i have been banned from riding motorbikes many times by everyone. But i ignore advice and continue to do what i love lol. Stupid is as stupid does lol. :D
1. 125cc ****ing out on a field, grabbed a load of front brake. went down like a sack of turds. bent bars, no injury.

2. 600cc owned the cbr for 6hrs. Lined up for bend i'd done many times before on the zxr400. went straight on, through a hedge @60mph, ended up in a field. no damage no injury.

fields are soft.
cbr's dont handle like zxr's
Been riding since Jun/Jul 2011, only had one slip, which was when we had all this snow just recently.
Went to work, weather was fine, snowed whilst at work, got driven home. Went to pick bike up next day, got down the backroads from work to the main road fine, all the way along the main road to my lane fine, 90% the way down my lane, front tyre looses all grip suddenly. Plonk!. Me and the bike flat on the floor. Scrape to my front brake lever and about 2"x1" of paint off of my headlight cowl. Wasn't happy considering I was literally home.

Nevermind eh, could be worse.
Near death experiences:0

What have I learned:
1. Take it slow at the intersections, especially when your tires are cold
2. Always keep your eyes on the road; if you want to admire the scenery pull over first
3. Wear protective boots because your feet will suffer in sneakers if you do come off
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1 proper off, where I binned it on a corner in the wet, partially down to inexperience, pulling on the brakes hard, mostly due to a god damn fox running across the road lol.

1 minor off, during my first test, when I slightly binned it during the U turn manoeuvre, got target fixation on something in the gutter. Needless to say, I went right for it, panicked and twisted the throttle more, hit the curb, and dropped the bike. Made me feel a right idiot that's for sure hah.

1 near off, had a guy do a u turn in the road. He was on the opposite side of the road, facing me, he did a U turn to join my lane and go the same direction as me. I pulled the brakes as quick as I could, but not quick enough, went up the curb and did a small jump off an even more raised bit of curb. Ended up with a few scrapes on the fairing, he lost his bumper, due to my crash bungs :D.
Been riding since 1988. Lots.

On my moped no CBT required back then, picked it up first roundabout binned it and then several more times that day.

CG125 - Crashed that a lot just over doing it, being too brave.

GPz550 - Crashed on silage along a country road.

GPz1000RX - Binned on mountain road up to Paul Ricard, just cosmetic so still got home

GSXR750M binned at Cadwell Park at Mansfield

15 year crashing break then binned Ducati 848 on test drive 2 years ago.
End of last year some blind **** pulled out on me & I hit him in the drivers wing went over the bars across the bonnet & across the road in front of oncoming traffic, Took the biggest kick in the sacks I've ever had as my crutch hit the tank & flipped me over onto my back for the bonnet roll etc My knob went Mauve :eek: + :( + :p

Took a NC30 I think it was for a test ride & was pushing to hard round a right hand bend & ended up in the verge. :o No damage & I just got back on & Thrashed the scare out of me.

Slid off my Ped when 16 pushing to hard round a right hander, The Doris's mum spent a few hours picking bits of road out my legs & arse. :(

Also had quite a few offs on Trial/Enduro bikes over the fields.

First ever accident was on a stripped down C90 Chicken chaser :D Went over the bars & ripped my left palm open hitting a fence.

Put me & my TS125 in a gravel pit after losing it showing off. :p

Crashed my mates CBR showing off climbing a Massive hill.

Prob more but I've forgotten them. :p
Riding since 1990.

No offs other than at 1mph on a boggy car park, and even more amusingly being late for work and jumping on my Triumph tiger so fast that I went right over the other side of it and the bike landed on me. My wife thought it was hysterical lol.

Used to have a lot of near misses. in fact I'm lucky I made it out of my late teens to be honest. Cant remember the last one I had - I ride very defensively these days and save it for the track.

Main advice - always think twice about an overtake, even if it means missing a few opportunities. Be especially vigilant for side junctions when considering an overtake.

Track days are brilliant for showing you just how far you can lean a bike. If you ride on the road at 80%, knowing you have that extra 20% will probably save your life one day.

Watch the road surface - especially for loose gravel. If its wet you can still make good progress but use it as an opportunity to practice riding as smoothly as possible. Safer and very rewarding. Sometimes I'll go for rides, or sections of rides where I try not to use my brakes at all.

Junctions - if you cant see the drivers eyes they cant see you. Even if you can, they might not have seen you. Constantly look for escapes
SR125 - Dropped the bike on a roundabout at 5mph. I lost loosing the back end going over a patch of oil in the rain, it's the last time I ignore my dad when he takes one look at my new bike and tells me I need a new back tyre, even though it looked fine to me :o Even though it was quite slow, I managed to knock my knee cap off a little and was sore for a good couple of weeks.

CB500 - Arctic swerved across an A road about 40-50m in front of me. I knew I was going into the side so went into minimize damage mode, dropped the bike and managed to slide into the tyres on the trailer, bike did a 180 while sliding though, squashed me against the wheels and broke a couple of my ribs, bike is fine which is the important part! took it to a garage and just needs a new headlight bracket as it's a bit mangled :D

Most difficult thing has been seeing all the lovely weather over the past few days and not being able to go out riding ******* lorry :(
Had a few minor get-off's since I passed my test in 1989. Then in June 1990 I had a rather big one which almost killed me.

Old guy, 87, who could hardly walk let alone drive, pulled out in front of me at point blank range. Absolutely nothing I could do to avoid it. I ended up colliding with the side of the car at around the "A" post area, somersaulting over the car, hitting the windscreen on the way past and landing on the road before sliding further up the tarmac and colliding with a dry stone dyke wall. It hurt a bit.

Fracture of Femur which ran into my knee joint, smashed to a pulp. Bone graft from my hip was used to provide something to attempt to rebuild it. Meccano set required to pin back together. Whilst one surgical team worked on this another team was carrying out a Splenectomy. Spleen was ruptured but it didn't fully rupture until I was in the operating room and the result was a second team of surgeons was called in to fix that issue whilst the first team worked on my Femur. Lost approx 8 pints of blood as a result of the Spleen being ruptured. Two broken clavicles didn't help either.

This happened at 18. I take Penicillin twice daily and will do for life. The doctors who worked on me reckoned the only reason I managed to survive was my physical fitness at the time was extremely high as I'd just finished 16 weeks recruit training as a firefighter.
errr how do I follow that now Draeger..makes mine look like a walk in the park which it was to be honest....:o

....passed my test early Feb. 2011, spent 3.5k on an er6-f on a Saturday morning....three days later on the Tuesday, on way to work, going around a ringroad nicely, ahead I see someone at pelican crossing, lights still on green, my lane clear ahead all the way to lights, I was aware they may change before I get to them, got a little closer and yep, they change, no problem, I start to brake, check my mirrors, look up and arghhh....some stupid non English speaking local had decided at the last moment to change into my lane, without indicating and stop abruptly, so much so she was about 18" over the crossing stop line. I put the bike on its side and it went under the rear of the car, I was fine and jumped straight up. The passenger, her son, about 20yr old, gets out and helps me pull bike from under their bumper, we swap details and he then continues to tug and tug at his mangled bumper which is partially under the car. Eventually he succeeds and away they go while I wait for flat bed truck.

Insurance wrote the bike off but paid me the full whack I paid for it, without a quibble.....then got a call from insurance saying it was my fault and also that the cheeky ****** had put a whip lash claim in cos he couldn't walk. They didn't even seem to care that this was the same guy pulling away at his mothers rear bumper. :mad:

My main concern was that the day after my accident, I was due keyhole surgery on my right knee, unrelated to the crash, which by the evening had bruised a little, I remember thinking I hope they don't refuse to do my op....which they didn't.
Holy crap Draeger, you're not only Capodecina, you're a freakin' Boss! :D

Or just fortunate, I dunno. didn't put me off riding anyway. :)

Forgot to mention in my post above, the surgical team didn't manage to repair the damage to my Spleen so it was removed completely, hence the Penicillin for the rest of my days. :cool:
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