Had my first driving lesson

20 Apr 2006
In your heart
I had it :D First proper driving lessons. I only stalled once but that was because my instructor wanted to move me away from a junction as there were loads of people.

Rekons i can get away with 30 - 40 hours of lessons.
Yea i live in the outskirts.

He said that was an average amount, but i guess i could pass in 20-30 lessons, as im doing 1.5hours a week.

I cant do any extra driving as my parents both have automatics. :(
In my first lesson which was 1.5hours, the instructor talked for about an hour, the for 30mins i was driving around.

Afterwards he said i had good co ordination, and picked it up quickly.

So i should be abler to do my practicle in about 20 lesson imo :D
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